Who else does anything like this?
Who else does anything like this?
Back to a less hectic broadcast schedule. Queen Joe of the Manchin Born takes a nasty political hit. Every first reference to convicted Child Porn user Josh Duggar should be “Former Family Research Council Staffer Josh Duggar.” Students fight back against Don’t Say Gay and win. A sampling of the filthy hate mail I receive.
That’s a whole bunch of titanic “intellect” to cram into a single filirobster!
Bunny and Clod caught in Talibandiana. Jim “Jacket Off” Jordan his 401K. Nitwit Nero admits role in Insurrection. Talabama goes full “schoolhouse door.”
Partial recording. Had a failure of the recording software. My apologies.
Another weird day in Murkka.
On your knees, sinners! That’s where the EVILgelicals plan for you to stay!
Sit back and listen. No, really.
So many morans, so little time, even when there’s three hours.
Sorry for the delay. Technology tasks me. It TASKS me.
Nothing says “Titanic Right Wing Intellect” like Rand Paul!
It’s a Monday, and it’s a doozy. Hmmmm! We haven’t heard from NutMegyn (“Of course Santa Claus is white”) Kelly in while. Wonder what she’s up to . . .
Perjury Trailer Queen, Q-ball, goes a-courtin’. Maddie Cawthorn, come out, come out! Putin’s Rape Army reveals the essential ugliness of the anti-abortion movement.
Y’all, we’re in a $1550 hole and we need out. Please help if you can!
Sometimes even I am amazed at the length and sharpness of the thorns. Example: COVID is “Cobra venom.” No, really. Get the hockey puck. This is gonna take a little while.
Found it! Sheesh! Computer problems.
Happy 420 Day, y’all! America’s mellowest unofficial holiday.
Aiyeee! Islamoslicers! EVILgelical goes full ayatollah.
Morans! Manly morans! Morans in the sky! Toasted morans! Cranky old un-funny morans!
Shortened program by virtue of another meeting, but a bouquet fraught with thorns, nonetheless.
Pay no attention to the Sopwith Camel buzzing the studio. Marsha 3x wants a wall. Wait. Where, Marsha? Little Miss Three Names wants subway melees . . . with guns. Even as President Biden decries genocide in Ukraine, Mississippi Governor Colonel Taint Reeves implies the Civil War was a genocide against the Souf.
Only an hour today, due to a meeting I promised to attend, but that hour was rich in MAGATS n’ Morans . . . but I repeat myself.