She’s baaaaaack! The Fabulous H.O.R.N. Studio is on the air after my brief time away, and there’s plenty to get after. Texas and their turn toward misogyny and fascism. The ForProfit Media onslaught against Joe Biden for leading the most extensive withdrawal ever from a war we never should have started. Q-Anon Shaman gets sweetheart deal. Damn. They’re gonna do it again, y’all.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 27 August 2021
Tryin’ to reason with the hurricane season.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 31 August 2021
Last program before I head home.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 23 August 2021
Let the new excuses begin! FDA gives full approval to Pfizer vaccine. Let a field of conspiracy lunacy bloom! Why does Marjorie Traitor Gangrene Q-cumber think the FDA was *really* approved? Wait. What? Alex Jones is now using my words to describe COVID Caligula? Who are Ross and Judy York? All this and more on Moran Monday!
Friday-on-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 20 August 2021
Catching up on the ongoing tales of some insurrectionists. Keeping up with the ForProfit Media’s ginormous hypocrisy on Afghanistan. Cullman, Alabama officials freak out as COVID Caligula brings his SuperSpreader tour to their little town.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19 August 2021
Mercy, the stickers are from toes to tip-top today! The historical revisionism of Afghanistan is off the meter. “Y’all, they’re gonna do it again” came true . . . some more. “Two first names and a pick-up truck.” And tannerite. Because feeeeedummm. Anti-mask SoCaristan MAGAT yawps his last. Covid Caligula won’t even send a sympathy card. After all, that would be terribly awkward.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 18 August 2021
The password is: “decabination.” Praise! Glory! Kenneth Copeland assaults a handicapped “believer.” Hiding behind the first amendment, “prophet” declares vaccines are “demonic,” then gets COVID. Spreadnecks attack a WalMart pharmacy. WalMart lets them keep up the attack for a half hour. Tracee tells us how it’s done.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid,17 August 2021
Run, chickenshit Afghan beards, RUN, you goddamned cowards! Granted, you never heard of Shakespeare, but “a hero dies but once. A coward dies a thousand deaths.” Die ’em all, you gutless beards!
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 16 August 2021
Afghanistan. It exposed our foreign policy failings and now it’s exposing the Alzheimers-like memories of the ForProfit Media. Also: a wonderful conversation with Carol Baker, Queen of the Minions.
Friday-on-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 13 August 2021
COVID burns Floridastan. The fire spreads to Georgiastan. Ron Monkey-up DeKlantis cancels a pseudo campaign trip to Vegas because he set his state afire. The Great ForProfit Media Hand-Wring. P.S. Murder Hornets redux.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 12 August 2021
“Bird guts all over the place!” Tennestan mom takes school board un-mandatory mask “mandate” to task.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 11 August 2021
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 10 August 2021
A bad joke for the last time. When reality outstrips the jokes, stick with reality. Ack! The breathtaking stupidity of one of America’s most inexplicable millionaires: “The Joe Rogaine Dunning-Kruger Experience.” And yet, as venerable a journalistic icon as The Atlantic proves itself more than capable of clickbait dreck.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 9 August 2021
Rand Paul, Liberturdian Opfamologist proves (once again!) why he may well be, after Nitwit Nero, the most despicable attempt at a human being in the United States. The Delta variant of COVID-19 is attacking children with far more virulence than the original virus. Yet Little Miss Three Names cheered people in Talabama for NOT getting the vaccine. Also: we receive another dispatch from Paul from Parts Unknown. Eventually, we get around to discussing the new hair-on-fire-because-the-planet’s-on-fire climate change report.
Friday-on-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 6 August 2021
Run and hide. The COVIDiots are on the loose, alongside their sidekick, the Delta Variant.
Hey! We finished the week $235 from being fully funded for the first week of August. Wanna help? The community woule love you forever if you did!
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 5 August 2021
Every now and then we have to have a conversation about ideological purity in our community. It wasn’t what I had planned for the program, but that’s mostly where we wound up. Also: Richard Trumka, President of the AF of L-CIO suddenly passed away at 72, Another stupid anti-vax MAGAT learns the meaning of “Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes.” And every day, we find out just how close we came to losing everything to the vanity and toxic psychopathology of Nitwit Nero.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 4 August 2021
COVID is punishment for the LGBTQ+ community. The vaccine is Satan’s Serum. Baptist Youth Pastor spreads COVID, then dies. Xtian broadcaster infects staff, blames liberals. Welcome to Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday and all the madness that is American EVILgelical Xtianity.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 3 August 2021
Titanic Tuesday finds us pondering the perviness of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, the homicidal negligence (at best) of Floriduh Governor Ron “Monkey Up” DeKlantis, the bioterrorism of the Tennestan Speaker of the House, among a host of topics. And the password is: “vellum.”-
Moran Monday (and PODBEAN SUUUUUCKS!), Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 2 August 2021
But we’re back after our time in the Chinese Communist Party-owned wilderness. At least we still have our kidneys. By the way, did I mention that PODBEAN SUCCCCCCCKS? I wasn’t sure.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 23 July 2021
Epic! Sports stories that aren’t about sports. Anti-vaxxers assault a cancer center in L.A. Governor Mee-Maw gets hardass (a day late and a few million doses short) on the COVIDIOTS in Talabama. And one of the most free-wheeling Front Porches EVAH! Details of the HORN-In.
Unfortunately, we finished unfunded for Thursday and Friday. In order to keep the last week of the month from starting in a deeeeep hole, we need to raise $455 to finish this week.