Joe Manchin has apparently declater veto power over the entire Biden Administration. Yes, I know Neera Tanden is a horrible human being, but now that Manchin is muttering about another woman of color, can we maybe figure out his agenda? Sheesh! And in a surprise (not really) appearance, our little NutMeg brings the full-force moranity to our Monday!
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, February 22, 2021
What’s a Wacko Bird? According to the Late Senator John McCain, it’s Ted Cruz. That may sound a little mean, but in truth it let’s you know exactly what’s been leading the GOP for the last few years. It begs the question, why is this the face of our nation? Discordance rarely leads to unity until after the deeds have already been done, and the fact is we as a nation are in sever discordance. If the last four years and recent events are any indication as to our health and welfare as a nation, we’re in a whole lot of trouble. When we need each other in order to survive, and we do, why is it a politicians view is more important than everyone else’s mere existence?
Come back tomorrow and explore these issues as well as many more with us here at the Virtual Center. We leave the stream on for you.
Fridarona-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19 February 2021
It’s Friday and Phlush Phlegmball is still dead! Joe Manchin doesn’t give a damn about “bipartisanship.” He’s just a bigot and a racist. That’s all. Texas: Turn It Blue In ’22 . . . and Do Some More In ’24.
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Friday, February 19, 2021
We discussed the implications of how government isn’t function properly when it’s representatives ignore crisis situations, like natural disasters, and leave their constituents to fend for themselves while going on a vacation. I’m not mentioning names, and he isn’t the only individual acting as if their care and comfort is more important than the people they were sent to represent. It seems Mayors have the same affliction in Texas, as well as other states, blaming people for situations that were made by design and not choice of the individuals. Now comes the question of why is this becoming a norm?
We’ll be exploring more of this question in our next program and hope you’ll join in the conversation as well.
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 18 February 2021
(Mariachi music in background) “Senor Senator Ted Cruz, white courtesy phone!” Drunk MAGAT challenges FBI. Lauren Bobble-head Boebert challenges gun rule in Congress. Equality Act re-intro’d in Congress, may pass as early as next week. Rush Limbaugh is still dead!
Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Thursday, 18 February 2021
Welcome back! We apologize for our extended absence in doing a program and thank you for your continued support. While we try to maintain a schedule there are those moments that life throws in our paths and we have to detour for a bit, but we should be back to our normal schedule of Monday and Tuesday of this coming week.
Today we talked about the passing of Rush, the emergence of former President Trump from his silence post the impeachment proceedings, and the unpreparedness of states to combat climate change that’s putting millions at risk for life and limb in Texas. All in all we’ve discovered Pandora’s Jar and we can’t seem to get the stopper back in fast enough to keep hope preserved, but we try none the less.
Requiem for an Oxymoron, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 17 February 2021
Documenting the wasted, miserable, misanthropic, hate-filled life of Phlush Phlegmball
Titanicorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 16 February 2021
Sometimes it amazes even me how our community manages to be ahead of current events, but I don’t recall a back-to-back episodes manifestation. But here we are! What we talked about Monday came true on Tuesday. Also: why health care workers REALLY don’t have masks. Forty percent of the blood from the Dondemic is directly on COVID Caligula’s hands.
As has become all to common, we’re falling behind in fundraising. No one ever gets charged for access to the program, but it sure would be good to not stay perpetually behind. We closed the program behind by $480 with a $50 dollar challenge on the table. If you’re able, let’s meet the challenge and at least fund Monday’s program.
Morona Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 15 February 2021
It’s Presidents* Day. We find ourselves contemplating the perfidy of forty-three allegedly American senators . . .wondering what comes next . . . and searching for some way to impose consequences for Nitwit Nero’s assault on our country, our Constitution.
*does not include Donald J. Trump. The “J” stands for “just another example of the operation of a racist anachronism from our hideous slavery past.
Friday-on-the-Front ImPorchment, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 12 February 2021
Nitwit Nero’s Second Impeachment Trial, Day 4.
And suddenly, the dynamic changes.
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 11 February 2021
Second Impeachment Trial of Nitwit Nero, Day 3.
Prayerona Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 10 February 2021
Impeachment Trial, Day 2
The (hopefully) LAST Trumptanicorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 9 February 2021
Madness. A day of Madness.
Moranovid Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 8 February 2021
“Put the chicken in the bag and no one gets hurt!” Maskhole covidiot moran steals chicken. No. Really. Q-cumbers celebrated Nitwit Nero refusing to disavow them. Vaccines less effective against South African mutation. COVID Caligula’s impeachment defense team can’t spell. Can’t lawyer very well, either. Pound the table, boys! Jen Psaki delivers terrible burn to Fox Roving Boy Reporter Peter Doocy. Ouch!
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, February 8, 2020
We’re discussing one of the most monumental moments in our history as a nation, the impeachment of a president who incited a mob against our sitting government, breeched it’s walls, and caused the death of it’s citizens. It’s hard to imagine how far down the rabbit hole we’ve fallen to end up at this point, but change and relief must come soon after four years on the rollercoaster ride that’s left us in the middle of an ongoing and seemingly ceaseless pandemic. We also discussed our ongoing relationship dilemmas we have with China and what it could mean for our future as a world power.
We’ll be live again this Thursday to review the beginning of the impeachment and be ready to discuss our thoughts on it’s turn out in the next podcast. We hope you’ll be able to join us.
Fridarona-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 5 February 2021
What an evening! The Press in jeopardy! Lou Dobbs out at FoxNewsRadioRwanda! Talabama’s senior senator bails! Meanwhile, Joe Manchin gets his fondest wish and screws working people across the nation. What a Democrat!
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Friday, February 5, 2021
The mercy and unity that the GOP seems to be extending to their own doesn’t seem to trickle down to the people. The cloak of a fiscally conservative governing body has been exposed as a very self interested group that doesn’t seem to represent a large number of people, just corporations. Relief for a nation that’s been steamrolled into a morally and fiscally corrupt pandemic, with a pathologically insane lack of planning, now wants to argue that a drop of rain can save a life on a parched desert. I suppose in their view we should just work harder, so where’s the jobs?
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 4 February 2021
With an echo down the millenia from a far distant place and time, the House asks of Marjorie Taylor Greene Q-cumber, “How long, O Q-ball, will you abuse our patience?” Eleven Republicans found their courage and honored their oaths. The other 199? Scared to death of Big MAGAT and bowels turned to water, they eagerly cast their votes to give a woman who advocated political assassinations a voice in House committees. Meanwhile, the rank-and-file Q-balls aren’t going away. And a new vaccine may be on the way, a one-shot wonder, not that the COVIDiots will care.
Prayerona Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 3 February 2021
Glory! Praise! E.W. Jackson says he won’t be meeting lots of people in heaven. I’ve never felt better about not being there. Chappy Klingenschmitt says the Debbil controls Joe Biden. Black pastor receives “cordial” racist letter when he leaves the Texas SoBap Con. Elsewhere, Joe Manchin is waaaaaaaay past his fifteen minutes, while there’s a renewed grift to primary him.
Titanicorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 2 February 2021
Full steam ahead into that iceberg! Q commands it!