Nitwit Nero, Art Critic. That’s what’s on what passes for the mind of Tangerine Tiberius . . . even as the nation reels at the incompetence.
Weird Wednesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 26 March 2025
It blows one’s mind, but we’re only two months in. And it’s already this weird. Where are you, Dr. .Hunter S. Thompson?
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 25 March 2025
It doesn’t get much more titanic than having a Signal sleepover with all your best MAGAT cabinet pals and accidentally inviting a reporter. The hilarity on Capitol Hill was Python-esque.
Oh, and Nitwit Nero reeeeeally doesn’t want you to vote!
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 21 March 2025
A full, no-kidding, three hour program. It feels so good to be getting back into the broadcast swing of things.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 18 March 2025
She’s baaaaaack! The hardest working woman in Progressive Broadcasting returns to air a week after major surgery.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 7 March 2025
The Achilles Heel of Fascism (sounds like an awesome Jazz/Bluegrass band!) is that it inevitably draws a disproportionate number of morons, dipshits, toe-pickers, nose-diggers, and incels. Fascism can’t help but be stupid. Ecce.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 6 March 2025
Tangerine Tiberius is getting the galloping tariff jitters and everyone knows it. Doug Ford and Claudia Sheinbaum has his number and they’re calling it. That’s why he’s attacking cable news presenters . . . and flailing around more than half out of his mind. Meanwhile, Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Jeffries calls the rebellious Dems into his office for a talking to. Hypocrite MAGATS drive a censure of Rep. Al Green and some mugwump Dems go along with them. Measles crosses from Texas into New Mexico and claims a second life while Whalehead Deadbear Brainworm tells people to take Vitamin A.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 5 March 2025
Tangerine Tiberius is getting the galloping tariff jitters and everyone knows it. Doug Ford and Claudia Sheinbaum has his number and they’re calling it. That’s why he’s attacking cable news presenters . . . and flailing around more than half out of his mind. Meanwhile, Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Jeffries calls the rebellious Dems into his office for a talking to. Hypocrite MAGATS drive a censure of Rep. Al Green and some mugwump Dems go along with them. Measles crosses from Texas into New Mexico and claims a second life while Whalehead Deadbear Brainworm tells people to take Vitamin A.
Superfriendsday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 5 March 2025
What that was was a Nuremberg Rally in the House of Representatives. Fascism is always a disgusting thing to witness. At least some Democrats had the courage to speak out. Nothing says “American fascism’ quite like a white southern man ordering a black man to be silenced. One day, the chickens will come home to roost on Mullah Moses Mike and it will be a thing to behold.
Tara Devlin of Tarabuster joins me for our weekly conversation.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 4 March 2025
Poison America and clear-cut the forests. Ya happy, MAGATS? Who knew San Francisco would open up America to turds in the creek? HINT: they did.
Your humble hostess mourns the death of Space Ghost. Pity him instead of . . .
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 3 March 2025
Please pardon the odd opening of the program.
The Great Betrayal is on. This is sickening and shameful. America’s reputation is in the sewer.
Morans don’t go well with measles. ICE thugs torment a German tourist legally in the U.S. Whalehead Deadbear Brainworm’s spokescreep quits.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 28 February 2025
One of the worst Februarys in American history closes on a sickening act of perfidious betrayal. Whatever doubt existed before has been eliminated. Nitwit Nero, Jadey Egg, and all the others are actively in service to the Russian dictator.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 27 February 2025
Nitwit Nero welcomes “alleged” sex-trafficker and beater of women to the U.S., even over the objection of Ron “Monkey Up” DeKlantis. Residents of a Cincinnati suburb stand up to Klan and Nazi goons. AG Pam Blondi blames the brown dude when she takes heat for not releasing the “Epstein Files.” MAGAT cries bitter tears when the leopards come for her face. DHHS “postpones” advisory panel tasked with selecting vaccines for next September’s flu shots.
Prayer-Don’t-Matter, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 26 February 2025
Spaz giggles when it talks about cutting funding for Ebola eradication. Monsters creep amongst us.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 25 February 2025
Don’t fly. That’s the first strike. Pay attention. Next step.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 24 February 2025
America humiliates itself at the U.N. MAGAT farmer about to lose everything finds out way too late. No one’s paying attention to VP Guyliner. Leon Skum’s brain isn’t firing right . . . again, like always. Anonymous hacks HUD, humiliates Rump & Skum. One of Leon Skum’s Skumrats is the grandson of a Soviet Spy.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 21 February 2025
Failed upload
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 20 February 2025
Leopards eat MAGAT’s face. Veteran loses his FEMA job. Wails bitter wails. MAGAT senators decry their Orange Jesus’ claim that Ukraine started the war (not that they’ll screw their courage to the sticking place, of course). MAGATS gather at CPAC, where Leon Skum takes the stage with a chainsaw and snoot full of ketamine. DoodBro was schwasted! CPAC’s Matt Schlapp gets caught groping another man . . . again.
SuperFriends Wednesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 19 February 2025
Tara Devlin of Tarabuster and I deconstruct the horrors of the day. Who knew we had a king? Who was surprised that Julius Geezer wants a crown? Whalehead Deadbear Brainworm goes after a flu vaccine information campaign. oh, look! It’s an asteroid!
Finishing February is going to be a bear. We need to raise $3,000 to finish the month and pay the bills. Any help is great help.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 18 February 2025
The DOGEY SkumRats found $8 Billion in “waste” in a contract worth $8 Million. MAGATS are melting down all over media, from Half-pint Himmler Miller to Caroline LeavittAlone, to Tim Burchett. They know more and more Americans aren’t falling for their schtick . . . and it’s blowing up in their faces.