I mean . . . it’s not like “Moran Monday” doesn’t mean what it says. It’s actually a moran-poor sort of situation. Too, too many and not nearly enough folks carrying butterfly nets.
What a day!
I mean . . . it’s not like “Moran Monday” doesn’t mean what it says. It’s actually a moran-poor sort of situation. Too, too many and not nearly enough folks carrying butterfly nets.
What a day!
Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, Paris Olympics Edition.
More thorns than roses, I think. But the thorns are . . . really dumb?
Some Tuesdays are more titanic than other Tuesdays. Enter one Andrew Klavan, who thinks women are a commodity in need of management. It’s oh, sooooo much worse than that. Then there’s the MAGAT Masculinity Manliness Show in the Senate today. The pathetic flexing was . . . pathetic.
Nothing brings the morans out from behind the baseboards like cultural and historical references. Paris brought them out in droves, grunting and braying and squeaking like the outrage addicts they are. Oh, and they’re also big mad about “Deadpool and Wolverine.” Meanwhile, President Biden is still presidentin’. And making more heads explode.
“J.D. Vance is a creep.”
-The Whole World of Women Who Have Cats.
P.S. He gets weirder.
Curious and thorny . . .
Bibi brings his genocide fetish to Congress. Most decent members of Congress stay away in droves. A young Jewish member of the House makes clear how wrong Netanyitler is. Nick (Men-Having-Sex-With-Women-Are-Gay) Fuentes, Nazi, attacks Shady Vance for having a brown spouse and children. Nazis have only one home in American politics, and it’s the GQP. The dichotomy between a competent legislature and a MAGAT legislature. It’s profound.
THIS is Conversation Radio.
No one else does it.
Deconstructing and dissecting the coup against Joe Biden. It may have a happy ending, but it was brutal in how it was accomplished. All-in for Kamala!
Most people don’t know that a bunch of the men who plunged daggers into Caesar were men who once called him “friend.” Welcome to the Democratic Party of 2024. Hint: it didn’t work out well for any of them.
Accountability. Pharsalla, bitches.
Perfidy. It’s apparently all the thing now. Thanks, Adam Schiff. Remind me not to trust you in an alley.
An indescribable series of days,
I wonder if I will ever forgive the ForProfit Media if they drive our President from the race and we wind up in a Fascist Wonderland. Pretty sure I won’t. Thank goodness Joe Biden is out there making the crowds roar.
The overall picture of the Money Coup is coalescing. It’s a pure Media ClickFix. President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was magesterial in his command of foreign policy and the crowd of pixel-stained wretches.
This voter disenfranchisement game the “concerned Democrats” are playing is a Russian Roulette pistol with a bullet in every chamber.
Some of us have reason to be worried, even if wealthy white men who’ll be OK either way DON’T.
MIss one day . . .
She’s baaaaaack!
Missed y’all yesterday.
The hand-wringing, pearl-clutching, and bedwetting continues. If the ForProfit Media drives President Biden from the campaign, it should be treated like the unforgivable sin it is. Understanding Justice Merchan’s decision to delay Veneral Vespasian’s sentencing.
The circular firing squad continues to form.
I hate this ride.
Disseccting the anatomy of an ageist smear.
Somewhere in the Great Beyond, Will Rogers is giggling. “I am not a member of an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.”