Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday 27, April 2020

Welcome to another day in the saga of the pandemic! It seems as if there isn’t enough time in the day to cover everything that’s been happening in the world around us even though we’ve been brought to a standstill by the coronavirus and the havoc it’s wreaked on our lives. We’re discussing the bid to privatize our Post Offices and the current lack of testing for Covid-19. We truly have a wide range of topics in our discussion to hit upon. Also, please join us this Wednesday for our rescheduled continued conversation with Dr. Kevin Shanley. This is a program that you won’t want to miss!

Fronaday-on-the-Fronat Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 24 April 2020

Where in the wide, wide world of sports did Clorox Claudius come up with his deranged theory of UV light and disinfection injections? I think we’ve got that sorted. Former Likker Supply Officer Marion (“Pat”) Robertson says the ‘Rona will go away when Teh Gay does. Detailed discussion by the Extraordinary Ordinary Roundtable about Unemployment benefits. Folks are getting their checks.

Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 23 April 2020

Sometimes the littlest things can make for large delights. I experienced it today at the Wigglin’ Pig. But there’s still reality to cope with, and Andrew Cuomo delivered a (richly deserved) shot across McConnell’s bow today. Still, his “this is not who we are” argument continues to fall a mite flat because of the fact that the MAGATS are who they are. Also: homicidal Pastor Spell (Caster) (allegedly) tries to murder a protester. COVID Caligula wants to light us up from the inside. 

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday 21, April 2020

Dr. Adam Garfinkle and Mortimer J. Adler were discussed on today’s program with regard to the subject of Deep reading. A process by which the reader’s comprehension level of understanding what the writer meant in the text is digested and processed to form a solid conclusion. This is in stark contrast to a superficial reader’s comprehensive ability to form a cohesive thought process. This is where the reader is only skimming the text and not fully comprehending the information. An apparent problem that continues to plague us through out history. 

Moronan Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 20 April 2020

Who could possibly be behind the idiotic MAGAT protests? Who could cause thousands of Plague Rat protesters to risk not only the lives of others, but their own in COVID-19 disease-laden hootenannies over haircuts? That would take some deep scratch, wouldn’t it? Who has that kind of walkin’ around money? Cui bono? I think I have the answer(s). Meanwhile, another prison is ablaze with the Coronavirus. Careful with those cleaning products, y’all!

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday 20, April 2020

The fundamentals of Deep Literacy and it’s importance in independent thinking. That’s one thing that history has the ability to make abundantly clear, that if we do not think for ourselves, then someone will most definitely take the opportunity to do it for us and it may have dire consequences for everyone. Join us for a continuing discussion of how we evolve and live during upheaval through out the ages. 

Ronaday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 17 April 2020

Corona Caligula calls his MAGATS to make biowar on states he considers his enemy. Israeli media confirms earlier reports that Trump’s intel agencies knew about COVID-19 in November. They Let.It.Happen. It is not impossible that Nitwit Nero’s mysterious trip to Walter Reed Army Medical Center on 19 November 2019 was for purposes of providing him some sort of treatment against what they knew was coming. Is there a secret vaccine? An undisclosed drug regimen? How has he NOT gotten the ‘Rona after all his exposures?

Now that the MAGATS are hitting the streets in defiance of Democratic governors’ (and one Republican’s) absolutely constitutional public health orders, now that MAGAT law enforcement officers are in open rebellion against governors, it is imperative that we stay safe. Remain as far as possible for any disease-infested, disease-spreading MAGATS.

ThoRona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 16 April 2020

Cannibalism comes to MAGAT-world. Unlike Jonathan Swift, it’s no modest proposal. Senator Grits-for-Brains says it’s time for us to be willing to die for “th’ ‘conmee.” MAGATS in Kentucky emulate the Michigan MAGATS protesting a Democratic governor’s desperate struggle to slow the Plague that Corona Caligula’s negligence allowed to burn through the Republic. The sweet, sweet tears of Mark Meadows. “Thank-you, Doctor Doctor.” 

Trumptanic Viral Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 14 April 2020

We’ve been in a Constitutional Crisis since 20 January 2017. It got worse Monday night, as Corona Caligula declared his word is Law. We examine just what that means in its historical context. Now comes word that he’s planning on having the Confederate States wage biological war on the states that are trying to flatten the curve and slow the parade of deaths. 

Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, 14 April 2020

What a mess! Trump melts down . . . some more . . . again; declares himself dictator of the U.S. What occasioned the tantrum? Two questions: Where do you think you get the authority to declare yourself dictator?” and “What did you do in February?” Also: the failure of Mitch McConnell to respond to COVID-19. 

For 15 April (Wednesday) Dr. Kevin Shanley and a deep dive into the shadowy world of Chinese governance.

Thorn-in-the-Rona Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 9 April 2020

Sure, COVID19 is awful, but that doesn’t mean everything else isn’t awful, too! Remember the Climate Crisis? Yeah. News is out that based on global modeling (not the sleazy softcore porn modeling like the First Stripper did), there’s a big species die-off in the future if we don’t get our act together. Why does the doc who started the Hydroxyquinone fad look like the doc who wrote Corona Caligula’s “health letter” a few years back. Why did Nitwit Nero go to Walter Reed at about the same time the DIA gave the White House its first warning about the threat from the virus?

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday 7, April 2020

We’ve reached a milestone as a nation where we no longer listen to people who’ve been trained to do their jobs. Medicine is a delicate practice and not one to be taken lightly, yet we’re getting understudied and inaccurate information every day now from our leaders on how to survive a pandemic. I can’t imagine what our Founders would be saying about what we now call our governing bodies except we’re reaping what we’ve sown and the discord will make us or break us.  Let’s work together and find solutions that will make history remember what our nation represents, unity. 

Too Many Morans for a Single Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 6 April 2020

There’s almost too much to do justice with a brief description like this. Foremost, though, a single, simple word changed everything on Sunday. One word, uttered by George Stephanopoulos, accompanied by an utterly unconvincing “can’t ‘member” from a MAGAT and suddenly things make both more and less sense. With this gang, it’s always the Nixon question: “What did he know and when did he know it.” COVID19 is no different. Also, of course, the EVILgelicals have moved into full-on terrorism against our country. They’re all over the place and they couldn’t be more dangerous if they were wearing dynamite belts.