Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, October 13, 2020

We’re following the SCOTUS pick closely. Why? Because our government is there to serve the people and not just a chosen few. There’s the rub. Who can we count on to represent the best interest of the America people? Has it been in any way advantageous for the general population in the last four years? I’ll leave that question to be answered by those who know best, you, the listener. You are the difference because you have a self interest in everything that’s being decided for you by people who’ve ignored the issues that could harm you. Remember, we’re all in this together and we’re here for you.

Moranovid Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 12 October 2020

Morans by the boatload, led by Ben Sassy of Nebrasky! He apparently thinks a SCOTUS confirmation hearing where millions of American lives hang in the balance is little more than a civics lesson for “confused eighth graders.” Konsatooshunul Skoller Mike Lee brought his pet Coronavirus to the hearing for blow-and-tell. MAGATS prepare for armed presence during election. California Repiglickens caught setting up fake ballot drop-boxes. Georgians (state, not country) wait hours and hours and hours in line to cast an early vote. COVID Caligula flies off to a superspreader rally in Floriduh, says he’s no longer contagious and ready to kiss people. SuperSpreaders in Atlanta and Nashville with more to come courtesy of bioterrorist Sean Feucht.

Fridoviday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 9 October 2020

Wading through the crazy. Beware the DC Superspreader. By now, we’ve seen an “online medical exam” on FoxNewsTVRadioRwanda. Who knows what nightmare that spawned? COVID Caligula plans SuperSpreaders come Monday, while Joe Biden gets screwed out of the next debate because Corona Claudius pouted in his tent, no Achilles, he. Once again, The HORN spends more time on the 25th Amendment than all the For-Profit Media combined. Some even got it ALL wrong. Not us; but, for a magic 2.5 hours, we conversed all over the place! This kind of radio doesn’t just happen every day. Tell your friends. 

Prayerona Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 7 October 2020

Crystal MethOdist preacher exorcises 21 month old baby. Eric the Dumber declares COVID Caligula “saved Christianity.” EVILgelical goon says Biden lacks soul, aura. Oatmeal demons! Other xtians suspect some Democrat done give their God-Emperor the ‘Rona through his mikeyphone. White House admits Nitwit Nero wasn’t tested every day. MAGAT House warns Gold Star familes that President SuperSpreader may have infected them. Bill Barr gives DoJ the go-ahead to suppress votes in advance of the election. We finally find a nickname for RBG’s likely successor. 

Remember to keep voting for me for the Best Media Personality in WV. The easy link’s at the top of the page at HeadOn.Live.

Trumpatincorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 6 October 2020

The password is: “PigPence.” COVID Caligula is presumably back home and spreading his disease to everyone within reach of his labored breath. Now Steven Miller has it . . . or the virus has Steven Miller. Hard to say. Claudia Conway pwns her mom again. Lincoln Project produces new ad that I predicted Friday evening. “Dr. Dreamy Buns” enters the HORN lexicon. Sheesh!

Please remember to go to HeadOn.Live and vote for me as WV’s Best Media Personality. You can vote every day thru October 11 and I’d sure appreciate it!

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The elections are quickly approaching and we’re facing an unprecedented moment in our history as a nation. Our sitting President isn’t quiet well and he’s running the asylum, I mean the White House. We as a nation haven’t a clue as to what’s going on at any given moment regarding the public’s welfare. The health and safety is dependent on those who sit in the seats of power and it seems we’re being unrepresented in a most egregious manner. 

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, October 10, 2020

Fear and loathing has enveloped a Presidential campaign in the middle of a pandemic and that isn’t even the worst of it! For the first time in our history we’re watching an unprecedented occurrence, the nation’s highest office contributing to a security issue that leaves us defenseless. This isn’t us, not if we truly care about nation building, or the sacrifices our forbearers endured for us to be here. This is something insidious that contradicts any spiritual or moral standard that we’ve held ourselves to as a shining light unto others. This shouldn’t be a sacrifice the all to endow a few moment in our history, this should be the moment we stand together and say no more.     

Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, 1 October 2020

A tale of almost unspeakable hypocrisy . . . with oodles and oodles of context. Amy Coney-Barrett says life begins at fertilization . . . or maybe her husband let her say that . . . or told her to say that. Who knows what goes on in a cult mind?  When bread isn’t actually “bread.” Kimberly Gargoyle’s relationship with Traitor Tot becomes a lot more understandable. Vineyards afire in California. KayLie MagaNinny’s no-good, rotten, very bad day. “I just wanna know where the river is.” “Well, it’s a ditch.” You can’t make this stuff up!

Trumptanicovid Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 29 September 2020

Eric Trump outs himself on Fox; LGBTQ Community experiences spontaneous vomiting. Debate drinking games pose national health risk. Mask crackdown in NYC neighborhoods that have driven up COVID-19 rates from less than 1% to 3.25%.  Darlene and I engage in a longform conversation on the many failings of Robert Mueller. 

Happy Birthday to Dr. Bill!

Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Tonight will be the Presidential debate that lets us know how the next few weeks will pan out. No matter how we look at it our nation stands in peril with the current information we have regarding foreign interests and our presiding president’s finances. So if the election turns in his favor, will we be able to last four more years? Please join us for a conversation that’s vitally important to everyone. Because we are all together in this whether we like it or not and the words United We Stand or Divided We Fall has meaning to it. Let’s not fall. 

Moranovid Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 28 September 2020

Let’s start with some South Florida moranity. Then let’s talk about what a deadbeat it turns out COVID Caligula is. And then there’s his SCOTUS nominee, Handmaid Ofdonald. Her “originalism” is a sticky wicket, to say the least. Why does she vote if she’s such an originalist? We also get our first call from the African continent, Capetown, to be precise, and an old friend of the community. Hey, look! Wilbur Ross is still dreaming of a White Census. 

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, September 28, 2020

Death and Taxes seems to be the definitive platform of the 2020 election cycle for the GOP. A pandemic, mass misinformation regarding said pandemic, as well as tax fraud, are just a few of the actions of an idealism that far exceeds any words that could be spoken to the contrary. A faction of Machiavellianism. This year will be the testament to us and our dedication as a nation as to what we perceive America to be, Home of the Brave and Land of the Free. We certainly aren’t that at the moment in anyone’s eyes.

Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 24 September 2020

Two cops shot, but not killed, overnight in Louisville. That body armor’s just something, isn’t it? Still not enough to keep three cops from slaughtering a black woman in her sleep because they were a-fearin’ fer their lifes. Who doesn’t enjoy a good condom crime story? Sometimes we just need something besides the daily dose of horrors. Corona Caligula lustily boo’d at Supreme Court. He claims not to have heard it, but KayLIE MAGAninny sure did. What will a stolen election look like, if he gets away with it? Joe Manchin finally reads the handwriting on the wall. ProudBois plan violent confrontation for Portland on Saturday. Thom Tillis apes QAnon. Not much of a lawyer, that Danny Cameron of Kentuckystan. 

Prayerona Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 23 September 2020

We interrupt this here Prayer Meetin’ to discuss the monumental, howling paean to Injustice that emanated from the disgusting mouth of Kentuckystan AG Daniel Cameron on Wednesday. There will be no justice for a young black woman slaughtered in her sleep by rogue police thugs. The claimed self-defense against a WOMAN WHO WAS ASLEEP! Not even a charge of involuntary manslaughter for hitting the wrong target. White-wing thugs wander the streets of Louisville, unchecked by their brothers in blue.

P.S. Rand Paul is an idiot.