Replacing the failed upload from Friday. Gee, thanks, Podbean!
Morona Monday, Head-ON Robyn Kincaid, 1 February 2021
Morans on parade . . . well, OK, more like single file, but still. Loren Bobble-head craves attention. Lincoln Project burns Ghouliani to the ground. MAGATS attack hospital. Beverly HIlls hairdresser who attacked the Capitol gets indicted.
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 28 January 2021
So many thorns, it’s like swimming in a briar patch!
Prayerona Meetin Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid
Praise the Lard and pass the ‘Rona amongst the congregation!
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Wednesday 27, January 2021
The First One Hundred Days of the Biden Administration has it’s work cut out for it. While the GOP’s call for unity rings hollow in the midst of an insurrection, a pandemic, and the general disorder that’s come about in the last four years, we’re at a juncture that if we don’t work together a bad situation could become far more dire. Accountability has been an ongoing theme for the last administration, yet here we are and no one claims ownership of the acts of sedition that was incurred on home soil by it’s own peoples and involved members of the government itself. This is something that’s clearly defined in the Constitution and is most definitely defined as a crime. It may seem as if the light at the end of the tunnel may have dimmed a bit, but have heart. We’ve weathered storms throughout the history of our nation and we’ll weather this one together as well.
Thank you, the listener, for your support of the continuation of Civics education and the continuing conversations on government. We do what we do for you.
Titanicorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 27 January 2021
Re-uploading Tuesday’s program because Podbean bloweth with a mighty blowing.
Moranovid Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 25 January 2021
Fridarona-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 22 January 2021
It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who gets tongue-tied. Chuck Schumer did today, and hilariously. Lauren Bobble-Head Boebert tries to introduce a bill. Talibandiana begins Attack Trans People Season. TrumpTrial delayed. Hopefully, it’s not “Justice denied.” Rafaelito Eduardo Cruz, the Annointed Booger-Eatin’ Future King of America whines about ethics charges. New ethics charges filed in the House against Cawthorn, Gosar, and some other seditious ass from Arizona. Nitwit Nero really was trying to foment a coup. Lindsey Graham finds a lawyer for Nitwit Nero . . . and he’s BUTCH!
We have $380 to finish funding this past week’s broadcasting. Your help is what keeps this effort alive. Go here to help.
Thorona in the Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 21 January 2021
Breathe, y’all. Breathe. But don’t relax.
Inauguration Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 20 January 2021
Here we are! The first day of 2021. Breathe a sigh of relief. “Our long national nightmare is finally over!”
The LAST Trumptanicorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19January 2021
Oh, mercy! We’re less than a day away . . .
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, January 19, 2020
Our discussion today is focusing on a new administration and the challenges that it’s facing in the coming weeks. Civil unrest, a global pandemic, and an outgoing administration that refuses to loose gracefully aren’t the making of an easy transition. We’re a nation of division, constantly creating a hierarchy that defeats the purpose of the words freedom and liberty, because it’s only with unity that those ideas can come to fruition. We stand together and we prosper as our ancestors before us did, because that’s the American way.
Moranovid Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 18 January 2021
Here’s hoping everyone has had a peaceful and meaningful holiday in remembrance of Dr. King.
The seditious attack on the Capitol continues to yield a bumper crop of morans. Naturally, there had to be another West Virginian to embarrass my state. Rep. Lauren “Bobble-head” Boebert gets outed as one of the seditionists who helped MAGATS “case” the Capitol. Arizona MAGAT has a sad over “Lowe’s” canceling Josh “Treason-Is-My-Middle-Name” Hawley’s fundraiser in Floridastan. Hitler! Stalin! Wake up, Sheeeeeple!
Then, a treat: Dan Fisher joins me for another of our rousing conversations and introduces us to a reeeeallllly fun new game!The GoFundMe campaign for my dental work has stalled at about 40% of the goal. If you’d like to help and are able, go to the campaign page. Please share it around to your social media networks. That’s how we’ll get this dental nightmare taken care of. Thank-you!
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, January 18, 2021
What chaos comes from the lack of Civics. Lately we’ve had the horror of seeing in real time what happens when the proverbial bottom falls out and things come crashing down due to the firm foundation those things were set on collapsing. But were we ever truly firm? What’s happened in the years spanning from 1939 till now that we didn’t learn this lesson the first time around is mindboggling, that human life is precious, and the only way to liberty and happiness is that all peoples are free. If nothing else can be gained by the last four years of this presidency, it’s this, we will most definitely fall as a nation if we don’t stop this spiral into Machiavellianism and stabilize the people who’ve been caught up in this global game of RISK. The moral of the story? Don’t cut off your nose to spite your own face. We can thrive if we work together.
Fridarona-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 15 January 2021
The week comes to a close, but of course, the weird DOESN’T. Lauren Boobert (non-sexist, males and females can be boobs) tries to clap back at Rep. Maloney. Epic fail. Indicts self. “Acting” SecDef says he “can’t wait to be out of here.” Suddenly, KayLie MAGAninny doesn’t want to hang around on the sinking ship. It’s almost like they know the Treason isn’t yet done and they don’t want that tattoo. Shhhhhhhh! Don’t anybody tell ’em, but they may as well all be sporting full-body work by Sailor Jerry.
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 14 January 2021
It’s been a hatefully expensive four years housing the Trashy Trumps. Three grand for a bathroom, alone. A new trend emerges in the expanding world of white-wing hatred of trans people. They’re going after the kids. If you’re so inclined, please sign the petition at the top of the page. Infectious disease experts say the COVID ye have always with ye. DoD admits white supremacist recruiting is on the rise in the ranks. A crossbow? Brass knuckles? And yet people like John Guandolo continue to incite the MAGAT masses to further violence. And poor Rudy’s gettin’ stiffed. Awwwwww!
Prayerona Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Sister Robyn Kincaid, 13 January 2021
The motherf****r is impeached. AGAIN!
Trumptainicorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 12 January 2021
Life’s coming at Moscow Mitch pretty quick! The landscape of this next impeachment is changing directly under the MAGATS’ feet.
Moranovid Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 11Januray 2021
We wait for the other shoe to drop. Whose shoe? Dropping where? When?
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, 11 January, 2021
It looks like 2020 hasn’t quiet let us out of it’s thrall just yet. Sedition, plots and treason seem to be a New Year’s theme for some of our most esteemed representatives in government. To preform a coup on the very fundamentals our nation was founded upon and breech our capital isn’t patriotisms, it’s treasonous. We’ll be following the matter closely in the following days because we’re afraid this upheaval is far from over.
I think one question on everyone’s minds is will we be able to move forward after this moment in which politics and corporations stand against the people’s best interest? Waging war of any kind during a pandemic puts that fact in the clear light it’s to be seen in. We stand together or we will fall apart. Just remember that the whole world is watching and it counts how we’re viewed in the global scheme of things.