Dam-draining in California, versus damnation in Appalachia. Guess who loses? Health officials warn the U.S. isn’t ready for the Coronavirus. Nitwit Nero says everything is fine, but it doesn’t jibe with his hissy over Ebola in 2014. How do we know he won’t take the $2.5 BN for nCOVID and spend it on his stupid wall?
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 24 February 2020
Come one, come all who walk or crawl to Moran Monday! Tweety seeks a historical comparison, fails moranically. Nitwit Nero embarrasses the U.S. in India; crowds walk out as he mangles their country, history, and heritage. Chrissie Hynde tweets at Trump for a pardon for Assange (which had already been offered). At The Movies with Bob & Agnes as we watched “Gone With the Wind” through the lens of Julius Geezer pining for it last week on Twitter. It’s sobering to realize that two of Hollywood’s most profound examples of cinematographic art in the first half of the 20th century were paeans to white supremacy.
It’s a short broadcast week as we bring February to its merciful end. We’ve got $945 to raise between now and the end of Wednesday’s program, since I’ll be away from the mic to go and visit with Mike, Kathy, and Molly Malloy. If you’d like to help out, please click this here linky so we can finish February even.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 21 February 2020
The mass murderer in Germany was a Trump fan . . . because of course. What did the Framers say about a President who would use the pardon power to protect a criminal crony? Virginia MAGAT takes his gun to town and threatens a broadcast colleague from years back. Greyhound to ICE & CBP: “Get off the damned bus!” We’re living in a live-action Pink Floyd album.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 20 February 2020
Oh, that smarts! Roger Stone sentenced; will likely never see a day in jail. Aftermath of Las Vegas Pageant leaves Bloomberg in a heap, but still with a heap of cash. Amy Klobuchar gets savaged both by Warren and Pete. And now we find out Nitwit Nero ran off his last acting DNI because he obeyed the law and briefed Congress, telling them that Mother Russia is still trying to meddle in the election in favor of Julius Geezer. Thursday night in Colorado, he said he’d leave office “in 26 years.”
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 19 February 2020
Glory! Peter had a sword, but preachers have GUNS. Catholic kids have better morals than their Bishop. Nazi preacher says trans people are Zionist tools. These are the beating heart of the GOP. P.S. Another case of presidential bribery, an impeachable offense to everyone save Republicans.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 18 February 2020
Titanic Tuesday meets “Day of the Dirtbags.” Nitwit Nero pardons or commutes sentences of people who did the same kind of shady crap he does on the daily. Perfect timing: journal publishes report of excavation into an English mass grave from the Plague. Tom Cotton: dangerous idiot. Bankrupt Boy Scouts. Because child rape. Alleged intellectual thinks we can frack our way out of the Climate Emergency.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 17 February 2020
Oh, the morans! We begin back in Iowa with a Washington Post breakdown of the Carcass moranity. Moran follower of the Prince of Peace wants god to smite Pete dead for being all gay. How Rush Limbaugh ruined a movie for me. HINT: Call him “Buffalo Rush.” Beware of the urge to worship any candidate. It will not end well. It never has.
There’s a $200 challenge on the table through 9 a.m. EST 18 February 2020 with $165 remaining. Please help us meet it by clicking here.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 14 February 2020
Whoa! Epic Valentine’s Day Extended FotFP! Un-fettered women! DougieDog Collins fantasizes on the House floor. Dennis Prager yearns to be free to speak the word he yearns to speak! Are all billionaires alike? Nitwit Nero looks to consolidate power. Precious Lindsey moves to investigate Obama.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 13 February 2020
Yeeee-ouch! Tennestan GOP worried women will load up on tampons and pantiliners if they’re tax-free. Republican-on-Republican crime in West Virginia. Bill Barr has a sad over Twitler’s tweets. GymShorts Jordan has a couple of really bad days. Amy Klobuchar wants to wallow with the fetus-fetishists. Sister-wifeing may become legal in Utah. Save us, Rick Man-on-Dog Santorum! Nitwit Nero continues to melt down over Roger Stone. To pardon or not to pardon: that is the question. What was his unscheduled trip this afternoon? Back to Walter Reed for some more impromptu physical?
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 12 February 2020
Glory! Jim Bakker’s curing the clap AND the coronavirus! No! Hank Kunneman says Trump and fetuseseseseseses will save us from Teh Cornoavirus! Wait! Rick Wiles says it’s the Jeeeee-Ewwwwwws! Rhode Island Catholic priest says child sexual abuse is nowhere near as bad as abortion. E-Dub Jackson says Trump is a maaaay-un and that scares the sissy liberals.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 11 February 2020
All ahead full toward the iceberg! Nitwit Nero struggles with geography. Nitwit Nero struggles with history. Nitwit Nero struggles with basic primate brain function. Regardless, his enablers don’t struggle destroying the basic structures of the country. Once, there were four members of the Stone prosecution team. Now, there are none. Why would RBG sell out the ERA? Didn’t take me long to sort it out.
Constitutional Crisis: Day 7.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 10 February 2020
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, 10, 2020
Welcome back to the Virtual Center! We know we’ve been gone for a bit, but we’re back and happy to take questions and comments regarding the current state our country is in and what would our Founders have thought about how our government is conducting business in the name of the People?
We’ll be live this Wednesday and we’ll continue to discuss the powers of the Constitution.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 7 February 2020
As Nitwit Nero’s purge continues, a look around the country at other things threatened by his ongoing trashing of our nation. Day Three of the Constitutional Crisis. Coal Kills: its been proven again. A rousing Front Porch gathering. The DC Circuit punts on Emoluments, but it’s not as bad as it initially may have appeared. Treating the flu with taters. Alabama cop wants Pelosi to be attacked with a roadside bomb . . . keeps job. Homelessness and poverty as a function of social choice.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 6 February 2020
Thorns! It’s Day Two of America In Constitutional Crisis. Nitwit Nero threw two tantrums today, but he didn’t sound right. Maybe it’s harder to get the dosage right earlier in the day, like at the previously-Russian-infiltrated National Prayer Breakfast. The Time of Vengeance has arrived. Utah gets punished, as does New York. Brazil’s Trump goes after indigenous land and indigenous people. Betsy DeVos paid for one of Trump’s SOTU props.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 5 February 2020
Four hour program. Wakes sometimes go overtime, and this was a wake . . . for the Constitution, deader this afternoon than Pharaoh’s cat, and it’s not even a mystery who killed it. The filthy deed was done by 52 Republican senators so craven, so perfidious that they made a monarch of a disgusting, perverted, corrupt, adipose, criminal, demented man. Strap in. As the late, great HST once said, “The hogs are in the tunnel and they will travel on a road of bones.”
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 4 February 2020
Stochastic terrorism works. After a steady dose of Fox and Nitwit Nero, an Arizona man with a houseful of guns and ammo called in a threat against Rep. Adam Schiff’s life. Fortunately, he didn’t get to do what Trump hoped he would. Iowa is now Whyowa. Why do we have such a damned hard time understanding that pens and paper ballots are the ONLY way to hold an election? Sadly, no one will yell “Liar!” at Nitwit Nero during the SOTU, but an online gambling parlor has a wager that says he can’t go seconds without lying.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 3 February 2020
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Rush. Nil nisi bonum, amirite? I mean, except for the part where Rush helped spread cancer throughout central Appalachia and all. Did you know that the Iowa Carcass is a howling fraud, a grift on the credulous? Listen, my children, and you will hear . . . Joe Manchin believes things that simply aren’t real. Lisa Murkowski gets a little more brown on her nose. Amy Klobuchar has a nasty little problem from her prosecutorial days.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 31 January 2020
Understanding the perfidy of Lamar Alexander. Ol’ Balls-n-Strikes breathes a huge sigh of relief. The death rattle of the Republic. John Bolton: Opportunist Par Putrescence. Other lib talkers finally catch up with the HORN F/C/C and realize what motivates the gut-bending fears of GOP senators. Mike Pence gets a talkin’ to. Gay demons!
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 30 January 2020
As we watch the unraveling of the republic, some ideas to ponder, namely, whether the New York Times should do its patriotic duty and publish the Bolton memoir and consequences be damned. Lev Parnas explains why Lindsey is so thoroughly in the bag for Nitwit Nero. Does POTUS have a Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in the case of impeachment? And what’s the GOP rush to end this farce tomorrow?