The essential indecency of Fox. The Man Who Looks Like Rancid Hot Dog Water Smells turns on Arkansas Governor Jethrine Bodine. Where are those creepy Jesus ads coming from? Let teenagers carry guns? Why not? What could possibly go wrong?
Post-SOTU Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 8 February 2023
Breaking down the SOTU, with, of course, no small amount of MAGAT madness and barbaric stupidity,
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 7 February 2023
UK deals with a Nazi problem . . . a day late and a pound short. Klannie Oakley goes to church.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 6 February 2023
Balloon hysteria! I knew reading e.e. cummings would come in handy some day! Nazis busted plotting to take out the power grid in Baltimore. Accelerationism. It’s a nazi thing. Bomb train in Ohio.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 3 February 2023
Balloons, balloons, baloons! China, China, China! Shoot it, shoot it, SHOOT IT!
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 2 February 2023
Another thing not to do while being black. “Hours” of video still hasn’t been released by City of Memphis in the lynching of Tyre Nichols. MAGATS oust Ilhan Omar and Matt it-Just-Gaetz Worse blows up their alibi.
Titanic Birthday Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 31 January 2023
Shorter program so I could go to dinner for my birthday with a dear friend.
Prayerless Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 1 February 2023
Nimrata Haley makes for some fun anagrams! We’ll be using them a lot more once she announces for POTUS. Nitwit Nero throws (another) tizzy. Nazi homeschooler update. McCarthyism comes for Ilhan Omar.
Moran Monday,Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 30 January 2023
Nazis. We have a problem.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 27 January 2023
CW/TW: a live broadcast of the Memphis Video Coverup.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 26 January 2023
A big win for the people of Minnesota and the planet, itself. Pedophile groomer (a real one) starves himself to death. Virginia governor nixes thousands of jobs because “Commies!” Five murderous cops face charges in Memphis.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 24 January 2023
What a day!
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 23 January 2023
It’s courtroom morans today, when we tear ourselves away from the latest dispatch from whatever blood-soaked patch of ground happens to be the 2nd Amendment altar of the day.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 20 January 2023
Why do all the stories seem to come from Florida? Well, not ALL of them.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19 January 2023
Ooo! A mystery! It’s like a Bob Seger song: “Workin’ on mysteries without any clues.” Also: betcha WeakerSpeaker wishes one of his pet MAGATS had “called the guy!”
WTF Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 18 January 2023
I read the news today, oh boy. About a half-hour before airtime. It was like a punch in the gut.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 17 January 2023
Everybody loves beer! White-wing secessionists in Texas love beer . . . and the killer Kyle Rottenhaus. Matt Schlapp gets slapped with a suit for being a disgusting perv. Anyone surprised? Texas and WV each move to erase civil rights history. Barbie-Q and Klannie Oakley come close to a full-on ladies room slap fight.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 16 January 2023
One would hope MLK Day would be a day of service and contemplation. Unfortunately, one would be wrong. Instead, MAGATS and various other species of white-wingers turn it into a carnival of barely restrained racism . . . because that’s just who they are.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 13 January 2023
Are burkas in Missouri made of burlap? Show Me! SCOTUS investigation appears to be nearing a solution to the Dodd leak. Voter Fraud! Oops!
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 12 January 2023
So. A Special Counsel for Biden. Hmmmm. Let’s take a look at Richard “Ben” Hur. Ever fiber of my being is screaming “RatFk!”