Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 21 November 2019

From the Impeachment Hearings to the Democratic Candidate Pageant, thorns as far as the eye can see (and the hide can feel). The words we use matter. Another rough night for Grampa Joe. An even rougher day for the MAGATS on the House Intelligence Committee. That bunch could screw up a one-car parade . . . and then blame Adam Schiff for it. 

Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 19 November 2019

Those “support the troops” Republicans aren’t as good at it as they used to be. As they desperately sought help for Nitwit Nero’s bribery problem, MAGATS like Deven Nunes, GymShorts Jordan, John RATcliffe, and their pet pettyfogger, Stephen Castor, decided the best way to do it was to slime all over a decorated Army officer. Spoiler Alert: it didn’t end well. Also: Ohio pushes for The Jesus Defense to students’ wrong answers on tests. Good news! California Governor Gavin Newsome steps up and announces a moratorium on new fracking leases and permits. It’s a start. He must think more of Californians than WV’s politicians think of West Virginians.  

Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 18 November 2019

I can’t be away from the mic for even a couple of days without the MAGATS running hog-wild. Speaking of hogs, did you catch Elise Stepanik’s performance piece during Marie Yovanovich’s testimony? A certain orange-colored presidenty-thing seems to have the hots for her. Does Melanoma know? Also: we engage in rank, wild speculation as to what sent Julius Geezer to the hospital on Saturday. And Grampa Joe shows why he isn’t the guy to lead America into the third decade of the 21st century. “Gateway drug?” Really, Grampa Joe? Oh, well! You know how it is with almost-octogenarians: sot in their ways. 

Prayer=Meetin-on-the-Front Porch Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 13 November 2019

Merry Impeachmus, Day One! WARNING: more than the usual cascade of F-bombs in this episode. It was cathartic. On the other hand, GymShorts Jordan (R-LookTheOtherWay) had a very bad day. He was laughed at, politely called a liar, mocked, and taken to school by Ambassador Taylor. RATcliffe didn’t fare any better.  Nunes was a numbnuts. Meanwhile Nitwit Nero stewed in his own juices and rage re-tweeted. All-in-all, a pretty good day! 

Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 11 November 2019

The dimes are dropping like rain on Nitwit Nero. Desperate for attention, he ruins NYC’s hundred-year-old Veteran’s Day observances, having already jinxed the Alabama Crimson Tide over the weekend. So much losing! Changing the language we use about Impeachment. Also: A Tale of Three Boobs (as in idiots). Hey! I found a Biden supporter! Best of wishes going forward to President Jimmy Carter as he undergoes surgery and, even while unconscious, is orders of magnitude more intelligent that the current squatter in the Oval Office. 

This little independent, non-Capitalist effort at broadcasting is into its 16th year. With $1010 needing to be raised in the next two days, we decidedly need your support.

Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 8 November 2019

When you’ve been doing progressive talk for more than a decade and a half, getting a telemarketing pitch to subscribe to Sirius XM can be downright amusing. Nitwit Nero emphasizes the “Nitwit” part by threatening to sue the whistleblower (and his lawyer) for “treason.” Jeffuhsun Davis Beauregard Sessions the Turd wets himself begging Chlamydia Claudius to like him again. How embarrassing! Julius Geezer prays they don’t boo him tomorrow in Alabama. And: let’s refer to Bloomberg as “AOB”: “Another Old Billionaire.”

The HORN is a listener-supported effort at non-capitalist radio. We finished the week behind by $70. It would be great if some of our podcast friends would help wipe that out. If you want to help, please go here and maybe even think about becoming a monthly subscriber. We sure need ’em!

Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 7 November 2019

The bad days just keep coming for Nitwit Nero. Today, he got fully and finally busted for his family charity scam. How do we know? Because he bleated his victimhood on Twitter. His spawn even had to go to don’t-commit-fraud school over it. Mike Pence has reportedly thought about what it would be like to be Jeebuss’ very own Preznit. How do we know? Because he didn’t deny it when he was asked. Meanwhile, a shred of Republican pseudo-decency may yet remain in Kentuckystan. 

Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 6 November 2019

The Deacons had to get back to work after two weeks off, and they’re footsore and jet-propelled. E-Dub Jackson prophesies that Virginia will become California with a Democrat take-over. Matt Bevins and the Kentuckystan GOP plot a coup to overturn the gubernatorial election in which voters threw Bevins out of office. Mike Pence-ilneck Geek arm-twists USAID to give money to Christian groups. DHHS wants to keep Teh Gay from adopting. MAGATs getting nervous about losing al Qaeda (“al Qaeda” is nothing more than Arabic for “the base”). A warning to Tide fans. A MAGAT sees the light. 

Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 5 November 2019

Ouch! The thorns, they fester. Nitwit Nero has another bad day. Native Americans get dissed by Orange Man with forked tongue. Gordo Sondland gets a recollection refresher. Precious Lindsey refuses to do his job. Who knew Senators could actually go on strike? A black cat in the Meadowlands. No Krispy Kremes for Minnesota. Rand Paul doesn’t consatooshun too gude.

Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, 4 November 2019

A lot went into making the Constitution. The personality conflicts, alone, required kid gloves. Then there were the issues of what “self-government” should be, how it should work. In this episode, Dr Bill discusses these wrinkles and roadblocks, from how to get John Hancock aboard, to disinterested delegates, to yes, impeachment. You won’t get this kind of history in many (if  any) other places. 

Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 31 October 2019

Yeeeee-ouuuch! It’s a bush that’s far more thorns than leaves or flowers. Dems pass Impeachment procedure resolution that GOP’s been begging for. Ergo, GOP decries transparent resolution. Behold Louie “Asparagus” Gohmert. Rep. Katie Hill bids farewell, puts a shot across Trump’s bow on the way out. Another oil spill on the Keystone XL pipeline. 

Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 25 October 2019

Trump loses another case. So much losing! Of course, it will go up on appeal, and, as usual, the SCOTUS does not inspire constitutional confidence. Rep. Elijah Cummings’ funeral was an inspirational celebration of his life . . . and Hillary put a shot direct amidships on Don & Melanoma and the crowd loved her for it. Also: it’s not about the cats: an epic discursion by the Extraordinary-Ordinary Roundtable group!

Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 24 October 2019

It’s our HORNiversary! Fourteen years in its current form and 16+ overall for independent, liberal, progressive, commercial-free, non-capitalist radio! Regardless, the world keeps moving. Homicidal MAGAT umpire gets outed. The MAGAT riot in the Capitol wasn’t just a “stunt.” The return of Matt “Hot Tub Crime Machine” Whitaker. Why root for a 4-game sweep in the World Series? Onward into the next year!