Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, April, 6 2020

Even though we’re in the middle of a Pandemic people still need people. We’re a symbiotic species whether we like it or not and limiting contact isn’t as easy as we might care to think it would be. We hope that here at The Virtual Center we can alleviate some of the stress that comes along with self-isolation and we can discuss some of the things that matter most to you. Your health, your welfare, and your liberty. Isn’t that one of the aspects that made us a great nation at one time? That all individuals mattered? We still believe that concept and we believe in you. 

Friday-On-the-Front-Porch-No-Mask, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 3 April 2020

MAGATS say the darnedest things . . . when they screw up and tell the truth. Lots of voters are bad for the GOP. Medicare for All is a lot more affordable than some might think. Emperor SoDumb the First says “No passports for you!” The idiot governor of Jawjastan reopens beaches. Preacher announces EVILgelical “Woodstock” for Easter Sunday. Talibama has COVID-19 growth rate faster than New York’s. People are clueless about masks and no one in the Multimillionaire ForProfit Media is helping.

Happy weekend, everybody! Stay home, stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask or pop a binky in your mouth if it makes you feel better. 

Thorn-in-the-Propane-Tank Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 2 april 2020

I was late to the mic this afternoon. I set out to make a bunch of pulled pork cheesesteaks to share around and promptly ran out of propane, necessitating a trip to exchange the tank (in proper socially distant fashion). Got ’em finished, but it took an hour out of the program. Still, we got our licks in. The Navy punished the captain of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt for trying to protect his crew. Georgia Senator Kelly Loefler sends warm fuzzies to all her rubes, er, constituents. Texas Gov celebrates taking constitutional rights away from women. America gets its youngest COVID-19 victim (not that MAGATS give a tinker’s dam). “Mexican violence,” asked President Emily Litella. 

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Wednesday 1, April 2020

Welcome to the end of a full week of programs! We hope you continue to join us in our discussions, either live, or via email, so that we can talk about the problems we’re facing as individuals as well as a nation. Just remember, you aren’t alone because we’re all in this together and we’ll help each other bear the difficulties we face as a team.

Please note in the program the links Dr. Obrien mentions. Articles that give you facts are a precious commodity and theses Journalists are doing a fantastic job of putting together a story that history will mark for generations to come. Be well till we’re together again…..  

Trumptanically Distant Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 31 March 2020

A podcast with potential life-saving content. A conversation with Dr. Michael McCawley about the COVID-19 virus, aerosols, particulates, spread, shedding, water droplets, the physics and ballistics of ejection, and most importantly, how to stay safe during this made-worse-by-Trump Plague. Pay attention. What you can’t see CAN kill you.

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We seldom prepare in the good and peaceful times to be ready for the difficult times. I’m paraphrasing Dr. Obrien, but this is important. Our pending elections are this year and we’re not prepared in the least. The Pandemic itself stands in testament to how woefully ill prepared we are to deal with anything, let alone something that decides the fate of our nation. Join us for a continuation of this and many more important topics that affect you, our listeners. We’re all in this together, in isolation, in confusion, but most of all in hope that each one of us can continue our journey together in order to see those good and peaceful times once again and share the joy of living.


Moran Monday-At-A-Distance, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 30 March 2020

Scofflaw preacher I Florida who made his church a massive COVID-19 transmission site gets busted. Judge Jeanine gets loaded. I discovered my smoker got rusted (couldn’t resist the rhyme). Corona Caligula goes after journalist for quoting him. USNS Comfort arrives in NYC; New Yorkers suddenly forget social distancing and crowd around the see the vessel. As frightening as this crisis is, we aren’t even on the uphill side of the roller coaster . . . yet. We’re going to have to get a LOT better at this if we want to avoid disaster. China may have sandbagged their death toll if the number of urns being distributed in Wuhan is any indication.

Friday-on-the-Front-Porch-With-All-the Chairs-Far-Apart, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 27 March 2020

Once again, if you listen to this program, the news won’t be news to you, because you’ll already know it. Case in point: Christians are beginning to get sick and die from COVID-19 because they won’t stop congregating. News to the world, but not to you. You’re out there ahead of the curve with the rest of the HORN F/C/C. So we’ve got a $2.2 Trillion stimulus. Guess who has no plans to obey the law. Yeah, you know: Corona Caligula. He says he has no intention of reporting to the Inspector General how the slush fund is disbursed. Still, there were some high points. Members of Rep. Thomas Massie (R-SisterFister, KY) got buried in applause when his stupid MAGAT stunt failed to yield a roll-call vote. Over at FoxNewsTVRadioRwanda, Ainsley Airhead wonders where she’ll ever get her nails done. The South is screwing this Trumpandemic up so badly, the virus will burn through there and make Sherman’s March to the Sea look like a weenie roast.

Thorn-in-the-Socially-Distant-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 26 March 2020

We’re Number 1! We’re Number 1! We’re Number 1! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!. . . um, wait. We’re Number 1 in COVID-19 cases and Nitwit Nero wants to declare who must go back to work and who may stay home. In short, he’s itching to kill people. Two non-virus related stories of members of the military caught planning mass slaughters. We blow off the Nightly Airing of Grievances. 

Empty Cathedral Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 25 March 2020

What does it mean when a small business has to shut down? The proprietor of the world famous Secret Sandwich Society, Lewis Rhinehart joins for me a conversation. Elsewise: the followers of Christ get their Eugenics on. Britt Hume and the Beckerhead both declare it’s time for older Americans to die for Wall Street. Rick Wiles celebrates the death of a gay lawyer . . . because Jesus. Jim Bakker suspends his colloidal silver hustle. We decide not to broadcast hardly any of COVID Caligula’s nightly egofest. We’re reminded to “Make it personal.”

Trumptanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 24 March 2020

With WV’s shutdown officially beginning at 8 pm, a meditation on what we face. We do have challenges, though, and they are mostly coming from white-wing jerks, not the process of staying in. Dr. Fauci reappears, gently challenges COVID Caligula’s sick fantasy of filling church pews on Easter. Texas Lt. Governor calls on older Americans to give their lives for “the economy.” You first, Dan! Jerry Falwell wants to set off a Coronabomb in Lynchburg. Pondering the mysteries of toilet paper. 

Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 23 March 2020

Teen licks deodorant aisle. Nazis coughing on cops. Great Big Jim gives another meandering press conference; shuts down state, but then declares state day of prayer; declares golf courses will stay open. WV gets its first case of community spread. Where’s Dr. Fauci? Another Corona Caligula press conference without him. Trump is going to send people back out and about and make the disease spread like wildfire. Senate Dems stand up to looter Republicans.

Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 20 March 2020

Sick Caesar loses his mind (what little is left of it) trying to answer a softball question from a member of the compliant White House Press Corps. Dr. Fauci facepalms. Pence aide has Covid-19. Woman gets $37K bill for testing. Where’s the Corona care? It becomes more and more obvious that our success or failure with the pandemic will hinge upon the MAGATS, and it’s not inspiring. Meanwhile, we find out how some senators responded to the virus: they cashed in. 

Virtual Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 18 March 2020

Sick Caesar says the Coronavirus is “violent.” He also says a hospital ship that’s under repair is on its way to New York. Nothing makes MAGATS happy like a big ol’ whoppin’ dose of racism, thus, Republicans double down on “Chinese Virus” because Covid Caligula says it’s “accurate.” Congress gets its first member with the bug. We get a call from a scientist working on things connected to the outbreak. You won’t hear what he has to say anywhere else. Nihilism takes root among college kids on Spring Break. 

Titanic Social Distancing Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 17 March 2020

West Virginia finally finds its first case of COVID-19, even as Sick Caesar applauds WV for not having it. Everything he touches, everything he mentions, goes to hell. Velveeta King tells Fox audience that Coronavirus is a “bioweapon.” Social media influencer tries to launch the Coronavirus Challenge by licking a toilet seat. There is massive stupidity in Murkkka and it’s a force multiplier for the disease. WV Governor Big Ol’ Jim Justice holds a press conference, tells WVians to “be smart, stay apart.” Oh, we’ll be coming apart, alright! WV has a more at risk population across the board than almost any other state, and I explain why.