Head for the hills! Joe Biden has a transraygun and he’s gonna turn the military all transgender! Aiyeeeee! EVILgelicals call for martial law and troops in the streets. Charlie Kirk gets furious with Moscow Mitch! You go, boy! Who knew you could steal a bank? Guess what’s legal in WV? Mercifully, it has nothing to do with cucumbers. Allergic reactions to the Dondemci vaccine being reported. We knew it all along: the MAGAT White House wanted America to get sick for “herd immunity.” Managers get the sack in Iowa. A thing incoming VP Kamala Harris really can do.
Trumptanicovid Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 15 December 2020
Anti-vaxxers merge into MAGATS to bizarre effect (of course). Oath Keeper terrorist threatens bloody civil war. Nothing happens (of course). Hey! Why would Trump need the vaccine? Didn’t he say he could never get it again? One word: cucumbers (meal ruination alert). Can the MAGATS really screw up the election on January 6?
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Thank you for joining in on our continuing conversation about everything that keeps us and our nation functioning. The Virtual Center is more than education, it’s a community. We strive to bring issues that we face in our general existence to light such as the economy, trade, education, and health. Throughout history we’ve faced dark times and we came through them together. This isn’t any different.
Thank you for your continued support.
Moranovid Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 14 December 2020
The MAGATS are growing more and more testy. This weekend, they decided to cosplay Mississippi Burning by stealing BLM signs from black churches in DC and torching them in the street. So far, the DC po-po are strangely silent-ish. MAGAT lawyer tells MAGATS to hoard supplies and guns. Mo Brooks (Less Braims) says he and his disloyal colleagues are the “final word” on who gets to be President. What does the vaccine roll-out actually mean?
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, December 14, 2020
Welcome back for the holiday edition of The Virtual Center! Let’s talk about sedition and what it could mean for more than a few states involved with the election mayhem. Consequences have actions, and it’s not better to act first and ask forgiveness later. The actions that’s taking place in our country today were what our Founders feared, but tried to be prepared for within the guide of the Constitution. We weren’t only unprepared, we’re malevolent about it. According to our voting record there were a lot of folks voting for the same people all over again. Mindboggling isn’t it? Just remember, what affects your neighbor will eventually impact you as well. Be wise in your choices and you won’t have to worry about the consequences.
Please join us for a continued conversation on our nation, it’s people, and our continued civic duty to learn about the forces beyond our walls that influence how we interact with everyone around us. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
Fridaronaday-on-the-Frpnt Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 11 December 2020
History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme. Proof from two events 159 years apart. What it means when the Tyrant, Mitch McConnell says he wants to protect businesses against COVID-based lawsuits. Me? I’ve never been happier to be wrong about a piece of breaking news . . . but somehow I also managed to be right!
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 10 December 2020
Whatever the MAGATS complain of, they have either already done or plan to do. It might as well be a scientific law, like Gravity or Boyle’s Gas Laws . . . and herein lies the proof. Also: USB ports! Aiyeeeeee! Death Panels decided Rudy Colludy lives, but 300,000 have died . . . including the new Speaker of the NH House. One of his Republican colleagues placed the blame squarely where it belongs. The stupid lawsuit filed by the accused felon AG of Texas refuses to go away. Darlene and I do a deep dive into an issue that plagues the Congress.
$102 in matching money is on the table. If you want to double your contribution, please click.
Prayerona Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 9 December 2020
Glory! Kenny Copeland can’t cure the ‘Rona (he doesn’t even believe it exists), but he’s gone to work curing baldness! Praise! EVILgelicals plan big shindigs where they’ll walk in circles come Saturday. Rick Wiles wants firing squads for Democrats. Maskhole covidiots attack Idaho county commissioner’s home. Ammonium Bundy says he has a right to see faces at his trial and demands masks not be used. Know what’s scary? Amy Covid Barrett a/k/a Justice Handmaid and the other cultists on SCOTUS might agree with him. Seventeen MAGAT states have joined indicted Texas A.G. Ken Paxton in trying to impose their will on states that didn’t vote the way the MAGATs wanted.
Trumptanicovid Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 8 December 2020
Late posting of Tuesday’s program due to tech issues.
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Tis the season to love your fellow man, yet most of us aren’t seeing the love. We revisited yesterday’s topic regarding Pope Francis and what he was trying to impart, we must take care of each other. Love thy neighbor as you love thy self and give aid to those who are venerable. We’re doing the exact opposite of what this very season has represented to the Christian faith since it was established. This isn’t a sermon, it’s a lesson that ensures our survival as a species. As Dr. Bill would say, be kind to one another.
We also discussed author and columnist, Arthur Brooks, and his recent article in the Atlantic on Happiness. His research and his views seem to suggest that we all can find our Shangri-La if we but look, and evolve about the prodding for ultimate success to find a balance in just living.
Thank you for your continuing support of the Virtual Center. We value your time that you spend with us because it’s precious. That’s a treasure beyond anything else in this universe.
Morona Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 7 December 2020
Republican Robot Industries have finally rolled out the successor model to 2012’s RomneyBot. Behold the LoefflerBot! It walks! It talks! It can make insider stock deals! It can call an African-America servant of Jesus Christ a “socialist.” The Supreme Court’s five religious maniacs have decided they are Defenders of the Faith. A discourse on the Electoral College and how it has worked disastrously every time it has defeated the will of the popular vote. A sad statement of fact out of Alabama. Hey! That’s no ankle boot!
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, December 7, 2020
In today’s program we revisited last Tuesday’s discussion with Dr. Kevin Shanley on our interactions with China and what they could mean for our future. Not wanting to enter into a Thucydides Trap would be an excellent choice in judgment because we may not like the results. We also discussed the propagandization of wearing masks… to wear or not to wear isn’t a question, it’s a certain causation. Let’s not spread the plague, but spread the kindness unto each individual and live together rather than die completely alone and isolated. It really doesn’t’ have to end this way,
Fridarona-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 4 December 2020
We begin with a story out of the UK I haven’t seen much reported in American for-profit media. Beating up a fragile, marginalized community under the guise of “concern” isn’t liberal. It’s sadistic. Also: can Nitwit Nero pardon himself? The Front Porch Extraordinary Ordinary Roundtable wants to know. Washington Journal asks: “Joe Biden: Communist Rosicrucian Fascist or Son of Satan? Buddy the Beefalo is still on the lam.
We finished the week underfunded by $350. On top of that, I have to raise $5K for badly needed oral surgery at month’s end. Any help is good help. And appreciated more than you can know.
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 3 December 2020
Roses aren’t the only things with thorns. There are sticker bushes that are nothing but thorns. Come on down to Dimwit Donnie’s Drilling Den! Arctic oil leases for cheap! That’s where we are. Witness Ghouliani’s Madness in Michigan tour, featuring the at-the-least spiritual successor to Caribou Barbie and Victoria Jackson. “But the poll books!” And hey! We’ve found voter fraud in Georgia.
Prayerona Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 2 December 2020
The banner of sedition rises in Georgia. Convicted felon Michael Flynn calls for a military coup. CDC says the next three months of the pandemic may be the worst any living American has ever known. Bioterrorist gospel sharp announces superspreader terrorist gathering near a vulnerable homeless population in L.A. Praise Jeebuss!
Trumptaicorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 1 December 2020
Another revelation on the earliest arrival of COVID-19 in the U.S. We were right all along. Gary, our resident mask expert, gives us a refresher on mask choices. South Dakota MAGAT governor let’s her state burn. Scottish nurse proves covidiots aren’t necessarily native to Murca. Bar codes in the ‘Roner vaccine! Magic numbers in Corona. Aiyeeeeee!
Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Dr Bill is joined by China expert Dr. Kevin Shanley for another of their riveting conversations on U.S. foreign policy in Asia.
Morona Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 30 November 2020
Meet Dr. David Samadi. He missed that whole “First, do no harm” part of the Hippocratic Oath. But he sure can bill! Hissies and hooting from the MAGATS over a Biden nomination, declared to be a “sacrifice to the Confirmation Gods.” A report from one of the hottest COVID hotspots in the U.S. Palace coup in the works at SCOTUS? Pope Frank trolls the religious maniac wing of SCOTUS less than a day after they put churches before people.
There’s $30 dollars remaining of a challenge from Kris in Germany. The “Fk 2020” offer is on the clock!
Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, November 30, 2020
Today we continue to discuss the elections, the chaos, and where it could lead us in the not so far distant future with the health and safety of our nation. Our international relationships with other countries is at it’s all time worst with little chance of being remedied by the time the new administration takes hold of office. Exactly what will that mean with regard to trade and security? Please join us tomorrow for our discussion with Dr. Kevin Shanley to find out where we and China stand now, and to what ends it may lead.
We also would like to thank each and every listener for their continued support of the program. Together we have hope for a better future by the continued study of what Civics and history means to the People of the United States of America.
Fridarona-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 27 November 2020
We aren’t out of the woods yet; and even when/if we are, we will still suffer the lingering effects of four years of MAGAT hell. The MAGAT Supreme Court proved that Wednesday night.