Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, January 4, 2021

Welcome back! We hope that you had a lovely ringing in of the New Year, or at least you were safe and with those you love. It’s been a year now and Covid numbers have skyrocketed and the impending change from the old guard, which didn’t have a plan, wasn’t much interested in one now leaves us dying off as the the new one seems to be trying to formulate a plan in the midst’s of absolute insanity. It’s looking a little early colonial, don’t you think? The sadness of it all is that it’s the People who suffer in the chaos, not those who are making up the rules as they go along their merry ways all the while destroying the basic fundamentals which our nation was founded upon. Truth, Liberty, and Justice are a day late and a dollar short in this carnival ride that we can’t seem to get exit.

Listen for the references within the podcast to find our more about the Old Deluder Satan Act of 1647 and how it affects education today.

Prayerona Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 30 December 2020

Surf Monkeys In South America! Aiyeeeee! But seriously, even something as wacky as that is only a symptom of a larger problem. A newly elected CongressMAGAT from Louisiana gets killed by the ‘Rona. As W once asked, “Is our children learning?” Apparently, neither children nor adults. Do you live at the UPS Store? At least one MAGAT believes she does.

Time to kick 2020 to the curb! Enjoy this penultimate episode of The HORN, and get ready to sing “Auld Lang Syne” with malice aforethought!

Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Where are we in the global scheme of things when China is quickly becoming a bigger force in fighting the pandemic than we are by providing vaccines on a global scale, while we have difficulty in just getting the vaccines out and distributed among the people in the U.S.? We’ll be discussing this more next Tuesday with guest, Dr. Kevin Shanley on China as a world power.

In the second hour we were discussing virtual education and it’s effects on students and their grades. Infrastructure, continuing education for teachers, and a community where parents and educators work together are the tools which can overcome some of the pitfalls we’ve encountered with the change to virtual education during the pandemic. One thing that’s most important to remember is we’re creating tomorrow now by what we do and say with regard to education and children. Let’s do well so posterity can keep us in it’s good graces.

We hope your holidays are happy and healthy and let’s bring in 2021 with a fresh sense of hope. Together we can’t fail.  

Moranovid Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 28 December 2020

There’s nothing like a terrorist bombing to bring out the Q-ties, especially when the white terrorist’s middle name starts with “Q.” Nitwit Nero calls for insurrection on January 6, 2021. Thousands of doses of monoclonal antybody are going unused because doctors aren’t prescribing it and patients aren’t demanding it. I guess pharmaceutical advertising works after all. House votes to send Americans $2000 checks and overrides Covid Caligula’s Defense bill veto. Moscow Mitch unlikely to even bring the relief legislation to the floor, although he has no choice but to have the Senate vote on the Defense bill override. That will make for some deeply uncomfortable MAGAT senators. Oh, look! It’s Ted Nugent.

Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Wednesday 23, December 2020

We would like to give our warmest wishes and appreciation to all of our listeners. Many of us have been together virtually for a number of years and proves the fact that family extends far beyond blood, because we are family by choice rather than issue. For this we are blessed and look forward to many more years to come! Happy Holidays and may our New Year be a bright one!

Trumptanicorona Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 22 December 2020

Everybody sing! “Johnny wants a pair of skates, Susie wants a doll, Donnie wants a peephole in the girls room at the mall . . .” But he’ll settle for an airport . . . or an aircraft carrier. Sheesh! The UK gets a harder Brexit than BoJo wanted. Brexiters stare, mouths agape. Some “Relief Bill!” Now Covid Caligula is trying to blow up the deal. Understanding the power dynamics of the Democratic majority. Ideas on who should be Biden’s A.G. Nothing says MAGA like pardoning a stone-cold killer war criminal.

Thanks to everyone who’s responded to my oral surgery crowd-funding campaign. For anyone who’d like to help, it’s here.

Moranovid Monday, Head0ON With Bob Kincaid, 21 December 2020

Come one, come all! The Moran Monday tent is open! Freedom Squares! Unintentionally honest legal pleadings! Marion Robertson gets within a mile of the facts! Covidonga lines in NYC! Aiyeeeeee! Don’t spend your $600 all in one place! Aren’t we all just so grateful to our glorious leader, Chinless Mitch McConnell? Well, aren’t we?!?!

I have to have oral surgery sooner rather than later. There’s a GoFundMe to support it. If I could do it out of my own pocket, you may rest assured I would. If you’d like to help, just click this link: Oral surgery. Ouch.


Dr. Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, December 21, 2020

Welcome back to another Virtual Civics discussion with your Host, Dr. Bill Obrien!

2020 has been a rather seditious year in politics and we still have a way to go until the inauguration of the newly elected president. It’s been a nail biter to imagine what’s coming next from the White House, whether it be digging another moat for a swimming pool, or a new outbreak of a virus due to the medical advice of favorite physicians from within their circle of trust to not vaccinate. We’ve been riding a pandemic wave and talks of Marshall Law have tainted to holiday air…not exactly a discussion one should be having given the 14th Amendment clearly states that’s a big no no with severe penalties for the perpetrator. 

In the second hour we discussed conversations that have been had on the program with our guest, Dr. Kevin Shanley, in regards to China and U.S. relations. It’s insightful to have input from experts that give you a global perspective on exactly what we’re faced with if we can’t repair the damage that’s been incurred by recklessness and disregard for the people it impacts. That would be all of us.

Please have a safe and happy holiday and may your happiness be with the ones you love. We’re all family here.

Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 18 December 2020

The screwage continues as the Biden Transition team continues to try to do its job against monumental odds. The “Acting” (some act!) SecDef unilaterally stopped briefings at the Pentagon. The Nitwit Nero crime syndicate hustled $617M from the funds they raised from their deplorable rubes. Somehow, vaccines seem not to be getting into the right arms.