Friday-Before-Christmas-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 22 December 2023

Merry Christmas, etc. to all (all but Julis Geezer and his ilk, that is)! He got an early present when his pet crooks at SCOTUS declined to hear the case brought by Jack Smith, forcing the question of whether Orange Jeenyus is immune from prosecution. A new recording of him encouraging electors in Michigan not to certify the 2020 election could prompt further charges and perhaps even cause Ronna Romney McDaniel to catch charges. Ho, Ho, Ho! 

Pretty Secular Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 20 December 2023

The deacons had the night off. That’s OK, though, because the Legal Department had plenty to work with. No one seems able to agree as to what our Most Puissant, Dread Sovereign Supreme Catholic Majesties will do with the Colorado Supreme Court Ruling. As ever, though, the MAGATS are more than happy to tell everyone what they WANT to do. 

Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19 December 2023

Colorado Supreme Court says “NO!” to Julius Geezer on the GQP primary ballot. The ball’s in SCOTUS now. Cop rams bar with cruiser, arrests bar owner for scaring *him*. Police are apparently always “scared.” Staten Island MAGAT says her Orange God wasn’t slurring immigrants, but that Democrats are poisoning the blood of America (I don’t think her understands “blood libel.” Orange Jenius attacks prominent Texas MAGATS. Elon gets reduced to ashes by John Oliver. 

Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 18 December 2023

“Blood poisoning” is a medical term. It should never be a political one. Any politician who uses that language is a fascist. Even the multi-millionaire ForProfit media are figuring it out. The IDF is attacking Gaza churches during Christmastime. Julius Geezer gets roasted in court in Manhattan  . . . again. Rafaelito Cruz attacks a judicial nominee for being Muslim.  MonkeyUp doesn’t understand “the blood stuff.” MAGATS have a hissy over . . . a tap dance routine?

Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 14 December 2023

Comer Pyle has some shell problems of his own. Jasmine Crockett calls out MAGAT math skills. Ohio MAGATs attack kids. Georgia teacher attacks a kid. Stevie 3-shirts goes after Mullah Moses Mike Johnson over the Queeeeerz. Matt Gaetz whines as he and super masculine man of masculine masculinity Markwayne Mullins have a very public 7th grade slap fight. Joe-To-the-Manchin-Born announces a search for the “real” (real WHITE and STRAIGHT and Right(wing) Murka.

Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 13 December 2023

Judge Chutkan staying proceedings against Nitwit Nero isn’t the disaster some folks seem to think it is. Let’s all get off the ledge. The fraud trial of Tangerine Tiberius reaches its vulgar end. He loses again in the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals . . . on an issue of immunity. Mullah Mike Moses Johnson only gets worse. Gym “Jacket Off” Jordan runs from Madge Sporkfoot. 

Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 27 November 2023

A cavalcade of morans! Let’s start with “historian” Craven McCarthy unburdening himself of alllll his feels about how innocent Murkkka is. James Knox Polk would like a word. And then . . . ohhhhh, then! We have the dainty sensibilities of the Washington Post Editorial Board! “Marriage is dying because liberal wimminz!” Someone pass ’em the clutching-pearls. Tangerine Tiberius wants you to know he’s just scarcastic. Totally!