Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 27 November 2023

A cavalcade of morans! Let’s start with “historian” Craven McCarthy unburdening himself of alllll his feels about how innocent Murkkka is. James Knox Polk would like a word. And then . . . ohhhhh, then! We have the dainty sensibilities of the Washington Post Editorial Board! “Marriage is dying because liberal wimminz!” Someone pass ’em the clutching-pearls. Tangerine Tiberius wants you to know he’s just scarcastic. Totally!

Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 16 November 2023

Sorry about yesterday, but getting the new wheel on the car at lease gives me peace of mind. 

Fifteen Minute Cities! “Aiyeeeeee,” cry the MAGATS. The MAGAT House may have scampered after a tantrum, but the idiocy continues. “Ghoooooost Buses!” Sporkfoot doesn’t know who the FBI Director works for. George Anthony Devolder John Jay Audobon Santos wants “an Article V Constitutional Convention.” It’s now officially illegal to be openly queer in Murfreesboro, Tennestan. Sean Obrien, President of the Teamsters, questions the sexuality of MMA Markwayne. 

Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 09 November 2022

Oh, noes! Joe To-the-Manchin-Born is taking his coal-tarred political career and going . . . searching for hard-working (read: white) centrists. His quest to put Nitwit Nero back in office will take him from sea to shining sea . . . maybe with his pal Bishop Willard? The GQP Second-place pageant was the spectacle we all knew we didn’t need. 

Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 08 November 2023

Oh, the hand-wringing! Oh, the pearl-clutching! Oh, the sweet, sweet MAGAT tears! Margie Sporkfoot has a conniption. Stevie Three Shirts is no better. Klannie Grannie got taken to school and yelling “Beetlejuice” was no help. Massive blast of deregulation sends poison smoke into the air of SE Texas. Oregon MAGAT senators go to court all said and butthurt. Moms For Liberty take it in the (brown) skirts at the polls. Women and weed big winners in THE Buckeye State and THE Olde Dominion.