It’s Question Time in the Senate of the United States. For the third-rate pettifoggers of Nitwit Nero’s team, it’s Lying Time . . . but it’s been that since 20 January 2017.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 28 January 2020
Hey, look! No impeachment pettifoggers to deal with! That means we have some time for old-fashioned white-wing titanic intellects. Among other things, we learn a new, really silly MAGAT word: “Vexit.” Also: Joe Scarborough uses an unusual phrase I used only days ago. MAGATS have a butthurt over being accurately described. Princess Iwanka Muhdaddy Trump decries “Elites.” The witness question is more complex than most folks realize . . . unnecessarily so. It’s raining couches.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 27 January 2020
Moran Monday, the Ken and Alan Edition. Nitwit Nero brings a pair of skeevy lawyers with a history of close association to sexual assault to offer his defense. The Goddess of Irony NEVER sleeps! SCOTUS, meanwhile, kicks immigrants in the guts. Mark Meadows channels his inner Queeg. Did someone say “pikes?”
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 24 January 2020
The Front Porch crew tackles the week’s impeachment proceedings.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 23 January 2020
Mowcow Mitch’s assault on the Constitution continues. Impeachment Managers nonetheless persist in delivering a genuinely superb prosecution. Naturally, Precious Lindsey has (another) hissy. Nitwit Nero sets his sights on Social Security. Marsha “Goodness!” Blackburn slimes a decorated veteran.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 22 January 2020
The little ol’ blue-haired ladies in the Fellership Hall Kitchen were waaaaaay to absorbed in watching the Senate’s Impeachment Coverup to even think about cooking. And it’s understandable. The House Managers are doing a magnificent job while the pettifogging lick-spittles for Nitwit Nero are reduced to sputtering and whining. At the same, time, watching the mastery displayed by Adam Schiff, I was reminded of the two Democratic primary candidates who keep saying that having people with the experience of an Adam Schiff in Congress is a bad idea. Know what’s a bad idea? Either of those two as the nominee. How any candidate could declare that disenfranchising voters is a good idea is simply beyond me. In real time, a slobbering, shrieking MAGAT was hauled out of the Senate gallery, but because Moscow Mitch wants to do his coverup with as little light as possible, we weren’t allowed to see it because he’s muzzled the free press beyond any technology more recent than the ballpoint pen.
REMINDER: Impeachment isn’t a “constitutional crisis.” Covering up the misdeeds of an impeached president IS.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 21 January 2020
The MAGATS, led by their Madmiral, Moscow Mitch, sail the Ship of State (and the Constitution) smack dab into the iceberg to own the libs. Horrible lawyering, apparently, is its own reward. Greta Thunberg makes more sense in Davos than Nitwit Nero has in his entire, misbegotten life. For starters, she doesn’t slur her words. For seconds, she actually understands what’s happening to the planet and isn’t blinded by sheer, unmitigated avarice.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 20 January 2020
He’s baaaaaaack! The play’s finished and it’s time to get back to whipping the morans into shape. A Klan Rally in Richmond masquerades as a “gun rights” protest. Nitwit Nero thinks MLK Day is about him. Moscow Mitch readies his Senate Coverup of the Impeachment.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 10 January 2020
The last broadcast of the week and the last broadcast for the next week as I take the next week in performance of “The Lion In Winter,” here in Alabama. Still, the impeachment “trial” is on its way, no one knows who or how the Iranian airliner was shot down, it turns out we tried to assassinate another Iranian (this one in Yemen), but missed. Nitwit Nero wants SCOTUS to refuse to fast-track the Obamacare case (because he doesn’t want that mucking up the election like it did for the GOP in 2018. And he lost again in Court in New York. So much losing!
We finished the week behind in fundraising by $395. If you can help, please, click here!
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 9 January 2020
The Iranian airliner debacle, discussed. Mike Lee somehow resists the charms of Jared. Cultural treasures not out of the woods. Impeachment keeps looming through the gloom and doom. A reminder: Combover Caligula’s not the only one still unhealthily obsessed with the Obamas. Get the hockey puck.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 8 January 2020
Glory! Nitwit Nero gets dosed to speak the the nation. Republican senators disgusted by the arrogance of the Iran briefing they received (mirabile dictu!) General Jerry “Our God is bigger than their god” Boykin lionizes Julius Geezer for being an assassin. Odd, isn’t it, how the “Christians” seem to have such a hard time following the teachings of Jesus? Who Would Jesus Assssinate?
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 7 January 2020
Titanic intellects! Nimrata Haley slimes Dems, demonstrates she doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “mourning.” MoscowMitch plans a trial. Nazis in our concentration camps . . . for profit, even! Why isn’t Don Jr. in uniform? What’s a crusader cross? All that and more for this Titanic Tuesday on The HORN!
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 6 January 2020
Once again, a story breaks in the ForProfit Media that we predicted months ago comes to fruition: Trump judge wants government officials to shoot at each other. Nitwit Nero learns (to the extent that he’s capable of learning) what getting into the assassination business means. The word “assassination” gives the Associated Press the fantods.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 3 January 2020
The topics for this broadcast have been preempted by the bloodthirsty desperation of Nitwit Nero, who apparently believes the American people are so stupid they won’t see his assassination of an Iranian general as anything other than the diversionary tactic that it is. Of course, even the people who lie for him aren’t very good at it. Witness Mike (“First In His Class At West Point”) Pompeo.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 2 January 2020
As Australia burns, some perspective on the global climate emergency. Meanwhile, in Murkkka, the EVILgelicals think Greta Thunberg has a bad case of demons.
New Year’s Day, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 1 January 2020
Yes, America, a progressive broadcaster really IS on the air on New Year’s Day! Why? Because the insanity doesn’t slow down for so much as a holiday off, that’s why. Rudy wants to run the Impeachment Trial. Rudy wants to testify. Rudy wants to prosecute. Rudy wants to give summations. Moscow Mitch would greatly appreciate it if Rudy would STFU. Meanwhile, a random outbreak of 2A freedom in Harris County, Texas.
New Year’s Eve-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 31 December 2019
It’s New Year’s Eve and the HORN was live! Titanic idiocy on display from Elise Stefanik, who shall forever be known as the “Yankee dimwit.” Michigan judge doesn’t think screaming that word constitutes racism. Grampa Joe would like to have a Moderate Republican for a running mate. Mayor Pete makes a hash of history. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the MAGATS to get as wrought over the attack on the Baghdad embassy as they did with . . . BENGHAZI. WV Governor Jim Justice finally decides maybe Nazis shouldn’t be on the state payroll.
Happy New Year everyone! Onward to 2020!
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 30 December 2019
It is a mansion of many morans, but on this New Year’s Eve Eve, one stands out . . . no, two. Bad ideas and bad journalism merge to form a toxic stew of moranity for the last Moran Monday of 2019 (but NOT of the decade, dammit!)
A Less Thorny Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 26 December 2019
The Eeeeeevillllll that is Mitch McConnell. Bob goes to church. Returns unsinged. And a wonderful year-end, year-in-review conversation with the irrepressible Dan Fisher.
Christmas-Eve-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 24 December 2019
And lo! While all the other shows were on holiday, Bob did hot up the mic and the HORN Family/Community/Congregation did join in conversation and good-fellowship. And there was much rejoicing. In a world gone mad, there’s no such thing as a holiday.