Two tough hours on top of an otherwise lovely day.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 14 September 2021
Y’all, it was worse than we thought and they want to do it again. Spreadneck colonel resigns his commission over vaccine. New Woodward book drives Nitwit Nero to confessional rage page. More dead COVIDiots.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 13 Septembre 2021
Sometimes, life just hurts.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 10 September 2021
A horror in (where else) Texas. A victory in Alaska. Covidiots in California. Spreadneck MAGAT governors bray loudly.
We finished the $600 in the red. If you can, please help us keep this long-running experiment in independent liberal broadcasting afloat by going here. Thank-you!
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 9 September 2021
Watch out for the briars!
Prayer Meetin‘ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 8 September 2021
Another profoundly helpful update from Paul from Parts Unknown. Ditherin’ Jim finally figures out just how stupid the members of his part really are. Moscow Mitch waxes giddy about the continued screwing of America. Glory! Xtian Taliban bro dude assaults women sunning at lake in Colorado. Because JESUS!
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 7 September 2021
Arizona MAGAT senator decries “communist” Labor Day. GymShorts Jordan opens mouth, proves himself an idiot . . . again. MAGAT goes barking mad on airliner. Polk County, Florida sheriff gets all butch . . . after the fact. Guess who funded the Texas War on Wombs!
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 6 September 2021
I hope your Labor Day weekend was a good one! Back this evening with the all too typical assortment of morans, from the murderous to the maniacal.
Friday-on-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 3 September 2021
She’s baaaaaack! The Fabulous H.O.R.N. Studio is on the air after my brief time away, and there’s plenty to get after. Texas and their turn toward misogyny and fascism. The ForProfit Media onslaught against Joe Biden for leading the most extensive withdrawal ever from a war we never should have started. Q-Anon Shaman gets sweetheart deal. Damn. They’re gonna do it again, y’all.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 31 August 2021
Last program before I head home.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 27 August 2021
Tryin’ to reason with the hurricane season.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 23 August 2021
Let the new excuses begin! FDA gives full approval to Pfizer vaccine. Let a field of conspiracy lunacy bloom! Why does Marjorie Traitor Gangrene Q-cumber think the FDA was *really* approved? Wait. What? Alex Jones is now using my words to describe COVID Caligula? Who are Ross and Judy York? All this and more on Moran Monday!
Friday-on-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 20 August 2021
Catching up on the ongoing tales of some insurrectionists. Keeping up with the ForProfit Media’s ginormous hypocrisy on Afghanistan. Cullman, Alabama officials freak out as COVID Caligula brings his SuperSpreader tour to their little town.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19 August 2021
Mercy, the stickers are from toes to tip-top today! The historical revisionism of Afghanistan is off the meter. “Y’all, they’re gonna do it again” came true . . . some more. “Two first names and a pick-up truck.” And tannerite. Because feeeeedummm. Anti-mask SoCaristan MAGAT yawps his last. Covid Caligula won’t even send a sympathy card. After all, that would be terribly awkward.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 18 August 2021
The password is: “decabination.” Praise! Glory! Kenneth Copeland assaults a handicapped “believer.” Hiding behind the first amendment, “prophet” declares vaccines are “demonic,” then gets COVID. Spreadnecks attack a WalMart pharmacy. WalMart lets them keep up the attack for a half hour. Tracee tells us how it’s done.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid,17 August 2021
Run, chickenshit Afghan beards, RUN, you goddamned cowards! Granted, you never heard of Shakespeare, but “a hero dies but once. A coward dies a thousand deaths.” Die ’em all, you gutless beards!
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 16 August 2021
Afghanistan. It exposed our foreign policy failings and now it’s exposing the Alzheimers-like memories of the ForProfit Media. Also: a wonderful conversation with Carol Baker, Queen of the Minions.
Friday-on-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 13 August 2021
COVID burns Floridastan. The fire spreads to Georgiastan. Ron Monkey-up DeKlantis cancels a pseudo campaign trip to Vegas because he set his state afire. The Great ForProfit Media Hand-Wring. P.S. Murder Hornets redux.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 12 August 2021
“Bird guts all over the place!” Tennestan mom takes school board un-mandatory mask “mandate” to task.