Election Day is here and we have the hateful, crazy, and homicidal to prove it.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 07 November 2022
A nation, on the edge of its seat, waits . . .
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 4 November 2022
The last Friday before the midterms finds us exhausted and apprehensive.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 03 November 2022
Hold on tight!
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 2 November 2022
Tough day, but no dearth of things to talk about.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 1 November 2022
“It’s the kind of grey November day that washes away reflections in the eyes of hotel porters.” If only! It’s getting ugly out here.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 31 October 2022
Happy Halloween! Boo! Hershel gets tricks, not treats. Caitlyn Jenner “looks like she spent the morning terrorizing Hansel and Gretel.” MAGAT sickos celebrate the attack on Paul Pelosi.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 28 October 2022
The right’s stochastic terrorism bears fruit.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 27 October 2022
Fappy had a lunch date. There’s probably a fascist cardboard box in your house. Doctors decry fossil fuel profits for the harm the inflict on poor people.
Not-a-Prayer Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 26 October 2022
Fetterman debates. Oz is scum. Hersh can’t keep track of the women he got pregnant. Marginal Trailer Queen scampers. Has JoeScar gone all Antifa?
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 24 October 2022
Hersh explains the national anthem. Rafaelito gets his manhood questioned (he doesn’t have much). So does Julius Geezer. Another outbreak of 2A “freedom,” this time in St. Louis.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 21 October 2022
We begin ordinarily enough: ya know, the collapse of the judiciary, evidence of monumental corruption, that kind of thing. And then we gather around the extraordinary, ordinary roundtable. . .
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 20 October 2022
Hershel gets a role in a cartoon. Fitting. Ted Cruz helps to dox a happy couple expecting a baby. Julius Geezer throws (another) conniption. Marginal Trailer Queen gets caught in (another) lie.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19 October 2022
We begin with the face of the modern white-wing, and the America he loves. HINT: it’s a hateful place. Naturally, christians aren’t denouncing him. And then there’s the god-fearin’ MAGAT in Arizona. Oh no, he din’t. Oh yes, he did.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 18 October 2022
John Durham wears egg on his face. Steele Dossier vindicated. Debate night in America. Mike Lee and JD Hillbilly both get pwnd. 21st century nuclear wagering. The wages of voting Republican.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 17 October 2022
Both sides! Oof. The catgirl conniption continues . . . because MAGA is starving for another group to despise. Stevie Three Shirts faces the music. The Secret Service’s problems get worse. Fort Bragg MAGAT wants a pass.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 14 October 2022
From Nitwit Nero’s sedition (he’s not winning) to another slaughter to troubles with 5th grade teachers to the (oof!) Georgia Senate debate, this was four hours of pure OMG.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 13 October 2022
Hooooo-weeee! The J6 Committee hearing was one for the ages. Meanwhile, Geezer Disgustus took gut punches in a variety of courts, even as his minions were seen at the Federal Courthouse where the Grand Jury is sitting. And Nicholas Cruz (Parkland) won’t be executed, but Dylan “Burger Boy” Roof (Mother Emmanuel) will. And so, too, may little girls with RA who try to get their scrips filled at Walgreens or CVS.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 12 October 2022
Alex Jones has a very justice day. Nitwit Nero is having (another) fit at Mag-a-Loco. Army general catches hell for defending women in the ranks.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 11 October 2022
Radio, radio!