Secular Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 21 June 2023

Happy Solstice! Most of us knew John Durham was a political hack. Today, opening his mouth in the House, he removed all doubt; may have even lied under oath. “Lock him up!” I guess we’re fascinated with the ongoing search for some really stupid billionaires who took a ride in a “janky libertarian death thermos.” Macabre? Yes. Understandable? Also yes. Marge & LorLor ain’t friends no more. The 7th Grade Prom should be a real dramafest.

Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 20 June 2023

Well, how about that! A Titanic Tuesday with an actual Titanic story. Also: the titanic intellect of Josh “Man of Masculine Manliness” Hawley. He’s Big Mad about Juneteenth, just like Charlie Kirk and some drunk doodbro having his first fifth of the day on Washington Journal. Merrick Garland had to be embarrassed into investigating Julius Geezer. Two instances of VERY good news!

Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19 June 2023

MorOn this later. Bwahahahaha! Soooo sorry about Friday! That one was unexpected. But Monday came with a vengeance. A terribly stupid vengeance. New Hampshire Nazis. Jeeeeezuss, who ever thought I’d type THAT? Florida racists? Well, now! That was downright predictable on Juneteenth. And OH! Something we were alllllll waiting for finally “came” true. No spoiler. It’s too good.

Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 15 June 2023

After a couple of harried days of running hither and thither, your humble hostess returns to the air. And the Goddess smiles, delivering an actual, real, live, decent, humane decision by SCOTUS . . . well by seven members of SCOTUS. Fappy and Sammy couldn’t be decent human beings if their hate-filled souls depended on it. Nimrata Haley promises to pardon Tangerine Tiberius. Klannie Grannie gets burnt to the ground by Rep. Jasmine Crocket. Southern Baptists descend on NOLA to re-affirm how much they hate women . . . at least women who aren’t the sex workers more than a few of them likely, er, um, visited.

Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 12 June 2023

Merry Arrestmas Eve! Nitwit Nero is losing it, sending “coded” messages to the MAGATs, trying to find a lawyer to stiff, and, most of all, trying to gin up a(nother) domestic terrorist attack. Meanwhile, Marge is grunting and Klannie Grannie is shrieking slurs. MonkeyUp DeKlantis shows his less-than-human side with a really problematic declaration to “honor” (his word, not mine) the Pulse Massacre. 

Thorn-In-the-Side-Thursday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 1 June 2023

Internet crashed part way into the episode. Sorry about that. MAGATs go after Chik-Fil-A and I’m enjoying it immensely. SCOTUS is poised to help kill countless victims of domestic violence. Klannie Grannie gets lost on the way to the big vote. Kari Lake doesn’t understand . . . music. The Weaker Speaker has a “Kick Me” sign on his back.

Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 30 May 2023

Elizabeth Holmes is off to prison and now I better understand why people have such a visceral response. Political sleaze and graft in (shock!) Mississippistan. Drones over Moscow. MAGAT meltdowns over the debt ceiling. TW: audio has been released of the terrified son of Lor-Lor Boebert and her pervy husband. Nitwit Nero promises to amend the Constitution at the stroke of his stoopid sharpie.