Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 24 October 2023

Well. On this evening, with the world going to pot around us, Lo! and Behold! A tiny little non-commercial, non-capitalist broadcast turned 18. “18, 18, 18”. 

To do ANYTHING for eighteen years is somewhat remarkable. To talk to the world that long is a gift. I have sat here in West Virginia and learned SO much. Everyone who has ever called has become a friend. Like Bob Marley said, “Good friends we’ve had, good friends we’ve lost  along the way. . . “

I wish you could know how humbling my life is! To be trusted with information. To never mislead. And to have a damned giggle. 

I love my community!

Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 13 October 2023

More of the same, unfortunately. But other madness, as well. George Anthony Devolder James Knox Polk Santos has a meltdown in a House office building (looks like Longworth). Jim “Jacket Off” Jordan inches toward a Speakership as media ask more questions about the young men whose rapes he ignored. Joe-To-the-Manchin-Born has polling problems. 

Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 11 October 2023

Really: Pooty’s fingerprints are all over Hamas. Just the same, the MAGATS want to drink Iranian blood. Regardless, the MAGATS can’t get their act together to pick a speaker. Meanwhile, Michele Batshit Crazy Bachman knows exactly why the attack happened. Get the hockey puck. Counsel for the Parking Garage breathes a sigh of relief. A case study of just how screwed up health insurance is in America.